Hell yeah, going to school to get a career then make a shitload of money to build a studio in my basement and in the house I'll build was my plan. I just wish I had woke up a few years earlier.
This, your work life is gonna be something like 40 or 50 years. It's better finding a good job that doesn't know crisis, and that pays bills and even more. If you like production you will easily be able to do it in your free time. Instead of buying a new 2nd car you will buy all the gear you want. And then think about doing it seriously in your free time. you would have a job already.
Eventhough I have as a first job a job I love (I mean I didn't do it by need and since I was a kid I wanted to do ot) it's exactly what I'm doing. At 24 I'm technically able to buy a place and be done with paying it in 10 years if not less. This gives me an incredible headroom for everything in life, but it's of course with many sacrifices. There is no secret.
As a short term answer to your question, think about the time you spend on a record, how much in a month it takes, and then think about what money you need in a month to live. About the minimum wage in your country. Then add some % because you should be taxed on that at some point, and there will be social taxes as well to pay.
Here for example, an average wage salary to make it simple would be 10e. So asking for less than 20/25/30 euro per hour is not sustainable because :
- you need to live
- you need to pay your taxes which are more or less lets say 5e
- you need to pay a rent
- you maybe need to pay the rent of the studio you use to track drums if you do
- you need investment in gear for the future and you don't want all te profit to get into this category because of category 1
- and also because it's not a simple job so being paid the minimum wage for it is not diserved not normal
Now you have to convince clients but at least you will attract only serious ones.
But seriously, finish school and by that we mean have a degree in something that gives job. You WILL thank yourself later for having a degree.