How much to charge as a entry level producer

Santiago Romero

New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2015
I am 15 year old and i'm recording two bands right now and thinking how much I should charge the hour. My parents wont buy me any more music gear and I want to make improvements such as new speakers and acoustic treatment. So how should I charge. I'll leave an example of a song I did so you know my quality of work.


you definitely need better monitoring :D:p
sounds like there is no electric bass in that demo track, like I´d expect it to be. That could be a reason the mix is a little imbalanced. Also the vocals have quite a lot of treble issues and sibilance.

well, i guess that´s also a question of your local laws, not just what´s the usual price for recordings in your area.
Anyway, I would definitely NOT charge as much for this kind of quality as I would when doing it for a living, and getting a great result. Maybe half of what your parents are making with their jobs, if not less.
Yes, it might be frustrating at first, but you certainly don´t want the bands to leave for another recording guy, do you? ;)