How much would you charge for...

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
One of a kind snare samples?

I recorded 3 recently through some top notch gear in a top notch room.

When I say one of a kind, I mean handcrafted custom stuff.

But since there are only 3 I was thinking it should be on the cheaper end of things. But I would like to get something for them because of what they are and the level of room and gear used to capture them.

I was also going to include a 70s Supraphonic, Pearl Masters, and a Tama ironworks (which surprisingly sounds good haha).

They would be unprocessed and include bottom, top, and OH mics.

Pics of the 3 handmade snares:




So it would be a bundle of 6 snares.
Man, in the room we were in it would have been pointless to do room mics, I was in studio B and if I was to do room mics I would have prefered A.

It was a pretty dead room (it was tuned and very musical it just wasn't their most live room).

I have trigger instrument editor, but I might hit that up Jeff as I'm not that confident with it yet. I also still have to get the samples off the drive we used so they are not in my possession yet.

Yeah I was thinking $10, but I wanted others to pipe in on it.

I am considering going back in and redoing them in Studio A with room mics and perhaps running them through some of thier comps as well, but still including them straight in.

The current ones I have were done with a 57 on top, 441 on bottom, and 2 KM184s for the OHs. I was running the 57 through a BAE 1073, the 441 through a ISA 430 producer, and the KMs were through a benchmark MIA 4x4.

But I only have so many articulations and I want to get them into trigger before I decide what to do with them (if they are sellable as they were done).
Also, if I go back and redo them I could include samples processed with some of their comps, they have a couple of vari mus, a couple distressors, a couple of 1176s, a couple of LA2As, a STC-8, a DBX 160 and 162 and some channel strip comps that I have no idea how they would sound on drums... haha

Wouldn't hurt to throw them on and see how they sound though right?

I could still include the raw samples, but if I went back I could do it in the large room and include some room mics (they have a pair of TC30k mics that fit the bill nice).
Yeah that's good to know. Alright man, I'm probably just gonna go ahead and do that. But for now check the video out. We sampled some snares after he did a couple takes on a song he had going on.

I would love to say we were doing drums for something Staind related, but he was just doing the buddy thing and helping me learn the studio. I have not recorded at Subcat's new place yet and they changed their setup a little so I used him as a guine pig.

This is only the zoom Q3's mic. Like I said, I don't have the session files yet.

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I'd say at least 10-12 hits per velocity, ghost (almost dropping the stick onto the snare, slight bouncing is OK), soft, medium, hard, rimshot. Alternate hands between samples if you can, as well.
Work with someone here that uses samples all the damn time to get them ready to sell because as far as i can tell, it's a pain in the ass to do all this shit, give that person the samples for free in exchange for testing etc...

Would be ideal to test with someone that live triggers from a set so they can nitpick the realism.
I think we did either 1 or 2 more layers than soft,medium,hard,crack.

We only did 5 hits per velocity though so I'm thinking what I did isn't up to par for being sold. If I go back the snare list would go like so (would add more):

SG 6x10" popcorn (first snare above)
SG 8X14" maple (second snare in OP)
SG 5X14" cherry woodblock (third snare in OP)
Pearl 4X13" piccolo (metal snare)
Pearl 5X14" Brass
Tama 6X14" Birdseye maple
Tama 6X13" Ironworks
Ludwig Supraphonic 6X14" (olive,light blue badge)
Pearl Masters 6X14" (shown in the video I posted)

Possible 2-3 more on top of this if my buddy allows me to borrow his 2 neat ass snares (mapex stuff, not black panther stuff though).
So I have to redo them but here is how the ones I snagged turned out. I'm playing them with trigger using superior everything else. But all the stock snare sounds (including overhead bleed) are turned off. There is no processing on the snare either. Just showing how they sound. The problem with the initial samples (since we rushed) is that the cymbals did some vibrating on some of the hits so I just need to redo them if I'm gonna do anything with them.

Pearl Masters 14X6.mp3
Ludwig 70s blue/olive badge Supraphonic 14X6.mp3
Tama Metalworks 13X6.mp3
Shifty Gentlemen 14X8 maple (purple snare above).mp3
Shifty Gentlemen 14X5 cherry woodblock.mp3
And the popcorn is a total turd all together because for some strange reason some of the hits went sharp and flat... and I have no fucking clue how it happened. It's not like we didn't just sit down and do them all at once. Fucking clueless as to what happened but all well it's not like it was a snare I cared for much.
Shifty Gentlemen 6X10 popcorn.mp3

If/when I redo them I'm taking the moongel off the metalworks and just recording the snares. The cymbal ring is a no go when processing these.