How often are you drunk????

Usually once a week, but it's gotten more to the point where I don't mind just chillin' a week-end or something. Most of the time I would prefer going to a party or something, as I think when it's the week-end you shouldn't just do what you do every other weekday.
I don't know if I prefer dying 10 years earlier just to get drunk once a week. There was a time where I was drinking with the guys once a week and everytime it was the same. Drink, Go to a disco and go home. Eventually it got boring and think of all the time I wasted! I'll never get that back. Maybe I'm starting to feel old, but I realise how much time I have wasted drinking, watching indifferent or crappy movies (just saw "My name is Joe" for instance yesterday which wasn't anything special), listening to indefferent or crappy records and writing shit like this on the internet! Precious that I'll never get back. Time that has been wasted. I'm 21 now, but how many years will I waste on all this stuff?
I don't drink... I think alcohol is horrible. Used to drink plenty as a teen.

I can still enjoy a Corona with lime, but haven't had one for a few years.

I'd rather roll one up and pass it to a friend! :muahaha:
Originally posted by chileanmetal
I drink! every weekeng I think... But I get drunk only in special ocassions, like Birthdays, New Year, PromDances, special Weekends,stuff like that!

Shhhhhh, pasai curao todos los días....:goggly:
Es talla no más...en buena:spin:
Originally posted by ÀrkanA
When I was around 15 / 16 / 17 I was drunk every weekend. I went to concerts and puked before we arrived there!
Now I drink less and prefer beer; So maybe I am drunk every weekend, but not totally drunk, just in a good mood...

How is in a good mood????:)
When I was more young, I was drunk 5 days a week, all the day (also others thing)...Then I was 3 years no-alcohol, till last saturday...
I used to drink a hell of a lot more than I do nowadays. I would get fucked up probably 3-5 days a week. I am engaged now and my fiancee does not care for the way I get when I am extremely hammered so I get drunk once a week now.I don't see anything wrong with that as long as I'm not acting like an asshole to her! The thing with me is I LOVE Captain Morgan rum, and can drink it like it's water which is fine, but I have a problem stopping after I've had about four of them! The solution to that is I now only buy half pints when I'm drinking it at home and I regulate myself to no more than four at the bar! I do drink beer more than once a week, but I NEVER get drunk from it.It takes me about 10 beers to get drunk and when I drink beer it's usually no more than three and because I like the taste, not because I want to get drunk.
Originally posted by ÀrkanA
Mischievous, what happened last saturday?

I met with an old friend, and after a good and large talking....we celebrated our friendship....:)

Anyway I guess I won`t drink for a long time...