How often do you change your toothbrush


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Conspicuously Absent said:
I don't have time to go to the dentist, it's been 2 or 3 years. I wanna go soon. I know I don't have any caveties though. I have some cheapo crest electric toothbrush. So I change the heads every 6-8 weeks. I got blessed with great teeth though. When I was young ( yes this is gross) I didn't brush my teeth for like 3 years straight and had no cavities. never had a tooth pulled or anything. lucky me. I brush every night now.

Lucky bastard. I've been told the enamel on my teeth is weak. It always annoyed me as a kid when my brother would down shitloads of sugary sodas and crap and I wouldn't and then we'd go to the dentist and he'd never have cavities but I would. And yes, we had similar brushing habits.
The last time I went to the dentist was October of 2000 they said.
It does feel good to have them cleaned though, and even better to know that I have no cavities. Im gonna start going on a regular basis now.
Big deal, its only $161.
yeah, cause i'm in class during lecture. I go home, and I'm restricted by transit times and the fuckloads of homework I'm given, and a post takes 15 seconds, lets me look away from the text book and catch my mental breath. I'd skip class, but I only have 6 absences left between now and the end of june.
just went to the dentist in Decemebr for the first time in some years ... have to say the new technology they have is awesome ... I mean the dentist was basically all inside my mouth digging tunnels ... 3 cavities filled at once ... i did not feel shit ... I just hate sitting in the chair for long.

one more filling and an extraction and my teeth are 100%
there is, I've only seen it in american movies and that's not a nice piece of equipment, looks very very painful and I'd rather be able to bite the dentist's fingers of if they do something bad.
fotmbm said:
there is, I've only seen it in american movies and that's not a nice piece of equipment, looks very very painful and I'd rather be able to bite the dentist's fingers of if they do something bad.

Something bad like what? Molest you? Drop the drill in your throat while it's still on?
lizard said:
the last time I went the technician was this cute chick and she kept trying to stuff the cardboard thingie in my mouth and I kept gagging, this went on for five minutes and I had tears streaming down my face and she says, "let's take a few minutes break, 'kay?" and I'm like, "well, I guess you can tell by now I'm not gay."


And really, is it just more or are a disproportionate number of dentist assistants, hot chicks? What is it about the profession that draws them?
lizard said:
maybe its the lure of a nicely starched lab coat, stretched tightly over eager breasts, the hem of the garment brushing lightly over taut thighs....

bastid ...