How should i treat my room??


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
This may seem like a silly question, but i mix and record in the same room kinda??
I looked up everything as far as room treatment goes and i searched this entire forum and read all
but what i wanted to know was do i get sound absorbers or sound diffusers?? There is a difference!! I was thinking of getting 50/50??
I was gonna make my own what material is best?? I looked at a site that sells supplies i just wanna know my best option 703? Or 1 or 2 inch mineral wool?

I was thinking if i hang absorbers around where i mix and 50/50 the rest
To give you an idea, My room is shaped like and L
I record in the long part, and off to the side i mix, the small part is where i sleep its about 20'/13 and 12' around the L shape

Sorry if that sounds confusing Thanks, :rock:

Freakin guys got me thinking about this :lol:
In a room that size you want absorption, all panels at least 2" thick and you want to put 4" panels in the corners. Make sure you put 2" panels at the first reflection points at your mix station. The Gearslutz acoustic treatment subforum is actually a good place to start to get basic info, there are tons of threads on there about trap placement and room setup. The John Sayers forum is another awesome place to check.
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not trying to be an assh but u got some reading to do at the above mentioned sites....john sayers forum is a great place but i encourage u to read ethan winner´s article´s at real traps first
Haha, well I compiled them awhile ago, but they very often come in handy! I just keep going back to this thread and clicking "edit" on my post, then just copy/paste :D

I already read that thread and every link in it

I even have the mp3 pink noise
thanks tho