How sick was Aqua...


Apr 7, 2009
I had almost forgotten about these guys but my friend brought over a late 90s pop mix (best drinking music ever). I mean, these guys had some catchy shit but I never realized how sick some of their melodies were. Straight out of the baroque period.

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Aside from their Aquarium album, I totally dig this track, "Back to the 80's"

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When I was 12, I hated the music, but I thought the girl was pretty hot :D
Nowadays I know where the mute button is...but I am not sure why but they
kick ass in a very strange way.
Why is everyone so gay for pop music these days?

Sometimes it feels like Invasion of the Body Snatchers and I'm Donald Sutherland, the only guy who hears this stuff for the screeching buzzard rape shrieks that it is.

In before "Some of us are just a little more open minded *insert smug inflection here*" douchery.
Why is everyone so gay for pop music these days?

Sometimes it feels like Invasion of the Body Snatchers and I'm Donald Sutherland, the only guy who hears this stuff for the screeching buzzard rape shrieks that it is.

In before "Some of us are just a little more open minded *insert smug inflection here*" douchery.

Yeah, I honestly HATE the ENTIRE dance pop genre.
The only appeal I see in the genre is watching the videos on mute, and fapping (like the Katy Perry video with her butt naked in the clouds, just put it on mute and go) so you don't have to watch porn and feel dirty.
That'll be the response to saying you don't like anything other than metal.
But i don't think people genuinely like or respect these people?

I never really got that argument, just because you only listen to metal doesn't mean you haven't checked anything else out and maybe just haven't liked it.

I can understand a guilty pleasure (livin' on a prayer woooo!) but some people really do take pop music seriously and I really don't see enough substance in any of it to merit why.

Yeah, I honestly HATE the ENTIRE dance pop genre.
The only appeal I see in the genre is watching the videos on mute, and fapping (like the Katy Perry video with her butt naked in the clouds, just put it on mute and go) so you don't have to watch porn and feel dirty.

A big part of what makes porn great is feeling like a dirty scumbag while you smash out a load to it.

For me anyway, I probs have some issues.
Yeah man it's weird.
It's almost like people (not accusing anyone) thinking it's cool to be a metal-head, that only ever listens to jazz and pop.
I get as annoyed by the uppity "open minded" crowd as I do at the meat heads who can't deal with anything that isn't 80's thrash and stare at me like I'm speaking Aramaic when I start blabbing on about fusion.
It's not "open minded" really, but I do have an eclectic taste in music. A lot of us here that like this shit doesn't mean to sound upity or snooty or whatever, it's just we legitimately can enjoy other kinds of music besides metal. Everyone has their own tastes, and some people's tastes are narrower than others. So what.
I wasn't making an attack towards anyone, folks here are generally cool about this sort of thing.

It just seems like the thing to be these days in a lot of circles, eclectic for the sake of being so, and then being a smug cunt about it. It annoys the shit out of me and I just wanted to vent, sorry for the OT.
Why is everyone so gay for pop music these days?

These days?? As if it just became popular music (bustin your chops)...I cant speak for everyone but I was born in 85. I grew up on electronic pop music. My mom used to kick the old jams like Rhythm Is A Dancer lol. First CD I ever owned was Ace Of Base - The Sign and I played the shit out of it. So this isn't a "new thing" for me.

Even as late as these aqua songs came out, they were still massively popular and now when you compare it to newer music (on top of actually being able to judge music/production), you gain a better appreciation for songs from this era.

I know there's no hate intended. I personally don't think it's about being open minded. You just dig what you dig, cant help that.
These days?? As if it just became popular music (bustin your chops)...I cant speak for everyone but I was born in 85. I grew up on electronic pop music. My mom used to kick the old jams like Rhythm Is A Dancer lol. First CD I ever owned was Ace Of Base - The Sign and I played the shit out of it. So this isn't a "new thing" for me.

Even as late as these aqua songs came out, they were still massively popular and now when you compare it to newer music (on top of actually being able to judge music/production), you gain a better appreciation for songs from this era.

I know there's no hate intended. I personally don't think it's about being open minded. You just dig what you dig, cant help that.

I'm an 84 kid so I remember that stuff too. But even that stuff had way more going for it than the crap that comes straight from the marketing conference call to your ears, I mean you believed Johnny and Gina were on hard times. But that's another point entirely.

It's just weird to see people embracing pop music who would have been completely revolted by it in years previous, and it's not a metal vs pop thing. So much of the indie (now hipster) crowd are getting behind these products (don't try to tell me katy perry is an artist, zombie Da Vinci would fucking murder you), though I suppose indie music has become that mainstream and churned out to secure that market that the only way to be contrary to that is to listen to stuff like lady gaga.

It's been my experience that the people who listen to pop music, are not really music fans by any measure. They're just slaves to status quo who buy singles and literally stop listening to them once the new thing hits. So the paradigm shift of pop's appeal to more people whose taste doesn't ebb and flow with the top 40 charts weirds me out.