how the hell do you post a picture??


Thrax chick
Sep 1, 2004
I have no idea how to do took me long enough figuring out how to use my evil webcam!!!! :yell:
anybody know???
give me detailed instructions please, because, apparently, I'm an idiot! :dopey:
go to and open an account. you can upload pictures there to display on other sites, such as this one.

once you do that, the URL of the picture is below it. highlight and copy it... come to the message board and click "Go Advanced" when you are in a thread or you have started a new one... there's a little picture icon above the text field where you type... click on that and paste the url.
Like this?:D


Goddamn, I'm metal.:headbang:
Arg_Hamster said:
An "no"... the scary looking motherfucker is NOT me... he´s a... "special" guy... as is the lady above.
Well, that's because you really are David Hasselhoff:loco: :loco: and yes that really is Lord Galvatron in my sig.
Arg_Hamster said:
Haha, wonder if they will make a cartoon based on the Galvatron/Milano-wars? :D
It would be definitely funny to watch...Hey I got question for ya Mr. Hamster. Do listen to Snot by any chance? We seem to like most of the same music and I know you are a huge Haunted fan. The reason I bring The Haunted into it is because Peter Dolving's voice seems to be very similar to Lynn Strait's or vice versa. Hence the reason I got into The Haunted...If ya haven't listened to them then definitely buy Snot-Get Some
Sorry to dissapoint yah but I never liked Snot, however they were much better than most nu-metal and Lynn had a distinct voice. I have the soundtrack to that Dee Snider-movie and Snot are on it. After Lynn died me and a friend goofed around on some festivals messageboards and demanded that they put Snot on the main stage (including Lynns dog).