How this all started

Chuck Billy

TL Blood
Apr 1, 2002
Bay Area
Well it is really happening Alex, Greg, Johnny T., Eric, Me and Louie C. We are joining together to play some shows in Europe in May and a few in the U.S. in June. We are all stoked. Its funny how things work out. One day I was talking to the promoter of the Dynamo Festival in the Netherlands and he told me he had the original Anthrax line up doing the show this year. I said Testament has to play the show. He asked what are the chances of the original Testament playing. I said " Hummm" that would be cool let me give everyone a call and ask. So I did. I called Alex first he said that sounded cool but let me check my schedule. Than I seen Greg and asked him, he said I think we can work something out. Next call was Johnny he said that sound killer but he had to check his tour schedule with Helmet. After all the calls I said holy shit this really might happen. So im thinking I have to call Louie. Me and Lou have kept in contact over the years and we have talked about this day so I called and he was pumped, he said he was going to start working on the songs immediatly. If your wondering why 2 drummers because when this came about we knew Lou hasn't played for a while so he would need time to get his chops back for a few songs. Lou has been working hard and said things are feeling pretty good. Johnny of cousre kicks ass on our stuff so its always a pleasure to get to play live with Johnny. Its funny how things work out. In 1987 all of us were going to perform at the Dynamo festival this was our first time to ever play outside the US we were very excited about the event. It was our first tour in Europe with Anthrax now here we are 18 years later getting all fired up about going to play the Dynamo with the guys who were there in Anthrax in 1987. This is going to be a very special Gathering...
Thanks for the update, Chuck and thanks for your efforts to get those guys back for the tour! This will be a killer, historical tour, I am sure. Hopefully I'll see the mighty TestAmenT in May. Good luck and have a lot of fun...yeah and relax before entering the studio :cool:
High Priest Of Evil said:
Thanks for the update, Chuck and thanks for your efforts to get those guys back for the tour! This will be a killer, historical tour, I am sure. Hopefully I'll see the mighty TestAmenT in May. Good luck and have a lot of fun...yeah and relax before entering the studio :cool:

what he said!

although there is no Polish date you can bet Polish Testament Legions will be there :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
HELL YES, chuck thanks for the imput, and pllllease play a few dates in the U.S. we love you more than europe. i will buy a plane ticket to S.F. to see testament play original line up, hell id fly out to S.F. for any testament show, or id drive my ass up the days drive, anyway hail testament \m/.
thanks for the update chuck!
yeah please get some of these shows recorded.

and please play some stuff from souls of black. that album RULES and alex played his best solos on that record.

can't wait!
Ok now i wish i was born a european cuz i really can't travel this summer...:yell: blast!
Ok in all honesty, what are the chances of a reunion show in Montreal as well?
We're going fucking nuts over here without any Testament.
That's KILLER!!!! I'm so glad this is finally a reality..I never thought I'd see the original lineup together again. Hopefully you guys do a "west coast" mini tour:D I'll definitely travel for this!! Thanks for the update Chuck!!!
This will be the best & biggest event in 2005 and maybe not only 2005!
I'm sure it will be hell of a fun for you, Chuck, for the rest of the band, and of course for us, fans!

Like SoulflyPL said, there's no Polish date, but you can be sure, TestAmenT Polish Legions will be there!

Can't wait!!