How to achieve The Pierces "Secret" insane bass guitar/kick and creepy vocals.


Mar 1, 2009
Alright this song is creepy as hell not metal but creepy.

At about 0:21 into the song there is a super thunderous bass and it continues the entire track.

Listening to this on laptop speakers is futile because it's so low. I'm guessing that a stand up bass was used but could not come up with any non-rockabilly clanky reference to make such judgment. These are not standard 808/909 bass drops either.

Or am I crazy and this is just plain bass guitar mixed to be ridiculously low and pummeling? Either way this is not how standard hardcore/metal bass guitar sounds at all.

I have been perplexed by this for over a month. Any insight would be appreciated. Also, this is not how the bass and vocals sound live at all so something extra must be going on in the studio.

Also how do you achieve that creepy vocal sound please?

Thank you very much for any help
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vocals are easy...just HP at around 500hz boost 1k and LP @10khz

those fat sounding things are orchestral timbales with tons of reverb, im pretty sure. And you got the upright bass right.

sick man thanks for your help!!!!