how to achieve a bass and kick sound like Sybreed or Mnemic


Dec 9, 2009
how i can achieve a bass and kick sound like Sybreed or mnemic what EQ settings ,What chain?
EQ Kick like this

EQ bass like this

And voilà, instant Sybreed or mnemic bass and kick sound.

edit: Alright, I'm sorry for being a jerk but really, you do realize that you can't just expect every source to sound like that with some EQ presets? There are so many things that affect the final mix, you have to be a lot more specific. You'd probably be better off reading Ermz drum mixing guide, there's probably some EQ tips in there that'll help you attain the sound you're looking for. But yeah keep in mind that not every kick can sound like Slate kick 10 (not saying that those bands use it, haven't listened to them either), actually getting a similar kick to record (or a sample) would be the first step if you really want to go the copycat route.
thanks to everybody, I know that only with eq settins can't achive that sound but it's a good start point for me to see wich frequencies is better increase or attenuate, what about overdrive in bass I think in sybreed hear the bass clear it's possible?, and what about compression better highly compressed or slight compresion what kick samples run well for you, superior?.
thanks to everybody, I know that only with eq settins can't achive that sound but it's a good start point for me to see wich frequencies is better increase or attenuate

Like Ascendant said..

No one can give you any advice on how to EQ a bass nor kick without knowing YOUR source..
My advice is to:
1. Listen to the sound you want to achieve..
2. Listen to the sound you have
3. Start shaping your track, going back and listening to the sound you want.

Hover over ex. the kick, and you'll get some general guidelines on the right of the screen..