Synths + FX in metal production


Jul 7, 2007
Kassel, Germany
Hey there!

There are many productions, espacially in the last time, that are using synths and other industrial-like FX for their sound. Sybreed, Scarve, Mnemic, Daath and so on.
Since I´ve been working with "real" instruments for the last years only, I wondered if those of you, who work with this electronic stuff, have some favourite synths or other VST-Instruments to work with?

So I hope to find a plug to start with in the right direction.



I´m mainly searching for those industrial-like atmo-pad-sounds and some flickering, rhyhtmic effects, I don´t mean things like orchestras and stuff.
Hey downtime... some of my favorite plugins for that stuff are:

Native instrument's absynth 1 up to 4
Native instrument's FM8
Rob Papen Albino 1 and 2
FL studio (has some decent pads)

And for industrial stuff like mechanical sounds and noise i just look on the internet for samples... there are lot's of them out there.

If you find a cool beat machine VST that does drum'n bass stuff like sybreed uses in their song "bioactive" please let me know... im still searching for a decent myself.
First of all thanks for your quick response! I´ll try the freeware-vsts first to get some touch of the art.

If you find a cool beat machine VST that does drum'n bass stuff like sybreed uses in their song "bioactive" please let me know... im still searching for a decent myself.

I tried some stuff like that a few years ago and went good with FL Studio. The drum-samples it delivered worked fine for D´n B and FL´s pattern-editor is pretty easy-to-use for stuff like that. But if I should find a plug that is specialised on that, I´ll post it immediately.

best thing in thee ENTIRE world to do if you wants amazing synths, kit samples even beautiful metal kit to subscribe to those mixing magazines!

trust me u may think ''oh, 4 gig of total free shit and bollox from a mag''

their amazing!!

yet again.. go to

listen to the last track called ''mess around i mastered''

that hole entire kit, including cymbols i got from one of those free CD's and i just sampled it all to make my own beat.

the bass on that track is from Sample Tank 2 (the full on version, beautiful program) if you can afford it, it is seriously one of the best synth, sampling programs around. the sounds on it are mouth dropping!
I'm a pretty huge fan of Hypersonic. There's a pretty wide array of soundscapes, synths, arpeggios and distorted/electronic drums in there, and the price is pretty reasonable.
Discovery vst and vanguard are cool for pads seeing as they have apreggiators and trance gates. industrial noises, probably the waldorf attack synth and the industrial toolkit from sample arena has some choice stuff on it
And anyone after tripped out glitch noises ala aphex twin, venetian snares, etc. which can make for some wonderful noises in industrial tracks when used sparingly, check out dblue glitch, glitching ways for the lazy :) freeware also. I often run it on random over a complete mix then render the wave down and chop in and mix portions back into the actual track.