Music Production & Mixing General Question


New Metal Member
Sep 24, 2015
Hello, I'm new here but I've been a metal vocalist for years. I fucked up my throat really hard though, and found out about VST metal when I told my band (Bury My Beloved) I was leaving.

I've bought and used Shreddage 2, the EEB Rickenbacker, EEG Strawberry, EEG Stratosphere, and EAG Steel Strings. I have Zombass, SSDK 4.0 Platinum, Zeus Drums, and the Abbey Road Vintage Drummer collection, along with some orchestral VSTs. I've used GuitarRig (awful stereo imaging imo) and Amplitube, along with a few mastering VSTs.

(Don't think i'm rich, I'm working at pizza hut with the other member of this project, I've just spent years saving up and instead of buying the studio gear I wanted I left the band and bought VSTs).

I'm trying to get a tone like Suicide Silence or WhiteChapel, but as clean in the mix as I can get it. I'm also trying to focus on heavier symphonic production and speedier varieties similar to Orchestral Black Metal. I know enough on these instruments to produce a song a starting band would be proud of but not enough to find my tone to be low, clean, and sit well in the mix, and not enough to create a proper MIDI track. I've been skimming some of the forum and it's helped out a lot though.

I am wondering if anybody here has experience getting a good symphonic metal mix and if anybody could help in the way of MIDI instrumentation, I'm par for the course of a master class though because at this point I undrstand everything very well, just not that last 10% that separates the enthusiast from the pro.

Lastly, I'm having a guitarist friend record everything and we are going to be doing a "skrams" (Hate that word) band as well as a heavy project and an indie "pop" project. He won't be doing the guitar for most of the tracks though as he's starting a solo tour soon and I wanted to get songs put out under my own name as well. I'd love to hear some VST bands to get an idea of what I can do, I don't want to get famous for this music I just want to make something people can enjoy. I'm already the go to guy in my group of producer and metal friends for tips and feedback but I find that I can't break that barrier to being a "world tour" level band.

TL;DR: Need help with the last bit of being good. Know fundamentals+ but can't find help bridging to god tier music.

EDIT: Lost my train of thought in the post, I was wondering how using those instruments, you guys achieve good Djent guitars for rhythm and lead, how to mix a deathcore song, and little tricks for getting a good mix. I'm more into getting the clean low guitar sound because EQ'ing seems to hollow it out but even after spending days just trying to make a patch I fall short. It's a weird sound i'm going for but if you've heard Suicide Silence from the Black Crown album you know what I mean.
ive heard of those bands and i listen to both deathcore and djent and to achieve that guitar sound you need a good tone first of all, then you would have to add all this fx/plugins... but start with a good tone is always the best
Practice, read, and watch YouTube videos. There's no secret. The tips you've already read on here are the same tips that are going to get you to "god-tier music." You just need to be good at listening, using your ears, and thinking intuitively about how to solve problems and create what you hear in your head.