How to achieve that super clanky bass tone?!

Slight necrobump.

So I've tried pretty much everything mentioned. I think my problem lies in the duplicate (high) track. I can never seem to get the distortion right. It's either too much or too little, and never want's to blend nicely with the clean/DI track. Though what I've gathered from Ermz's book, I think with some patience and practice, I can get at least somewhat closer to what I'm looking for.

Play around with the input volume on the amp you're using for the distorted track. I find that lower-gain amps and lower input volumes will, if you're playing with a pick, give it a horrible, screechy tone from the pick attack. But if you run it hotter through the amp, that starts to disappear. The trade-off is that it's not as tight.
Every time I try the separate-track-with-distortion approach, no matter what distortion or EQ I've tried, the end result just sounds like there's some gross noise going on in the background of the mix. Am I just picking shitty distortions?

I've tried all the LePou amps, with and without cabs, the TSE 808 and Rat sims, even Extremist since it can do that really sexy old-Edge-of-Sanity grindy tone...
I know dudes will disagree but IMO if the distorted track isn't cool solo'd it won't be cool. By "cool" I don't mean perfect, but the "so distorted it sounds terrible" thing has never worked for me.
Best bass tone's I've ever had came through an RBI, EMG pickups. I had to do almost no processing to the top end to get it sounding great.
uad nigel, sansamp or darkglass b7k with brand spanking new pro steels. here is a clip of a b7k mixed with uads nigel. no seprate tracks. they are both full spectrum. b7k.mp3 and with a boost in the 1-2k region that could come pretty close

Oh boy that is it. That is the bass tone I want..
I can tell that is the B7k because of all the clips I listen to of Nolly's (from Periphery) bass tone. Damn I love his and your tone. So damn heavy.
Slight necrobump.

So I've tried pretty much everything mentioned. I think my problem lies in the duplicate (high) track. I can never seem to get the distortion right. It's either too much or too little, and never want's to blend nicely with the clean/DI track. Though what I've gathered from Ermz's book, I think with some patience and practice, I can get at least somewhat closer to what I'm looking for.

Try high-passing the DI before it hits the amp/sim/pre/whatever-you're-using-for-tone.
I like to use distortion pedals (rat, heavy overdrive) and basically make them sound like a dimed muff pedal (I'd use a muff if I had one haha) as the dynamic-less, phat DISTORTED sound. Blending tracks of different distortion pedals is cool too. For the "clank" I'll just have like a clean, slightly driven track to poke through and cut. Then I'll have the low sub DI track.

Messing with the faders for these and filtering (very important) correctly will produce a massive sound. Then standard EQ, comp, limiter, ect. on the bus.
Oh boy that is it. That is the bass tone I want..
I can tell that is the B7k because of all the clips I listen to of Nolly's (from Periphery) bass tone. Damn I love his and your tone. So damn heavy.

Tried to reproduce this sound with BOD and match-eq.
Didn’t work out. Sounded completely different.
Even two serial BODs didn’t do the job.
(It didn’t sound bad at all, but I just wanted to reproduce this specific sound just fort he fun of it)

Yeah I know…different bass, different strings, different player, different overdrive, different interface…
But I expected to get closer than what I achived.
I've found harmonics in bass around 450hz (there is one or 2 harmonics right around that area, you'll totally hear when boosted) that need to be cut out. Especially on distorted bass track. I've found that I like prominent low-end when it goes into distortion (also adjusted clunk before distortion), because it enhance hi-end rattling inside distortion. Than it can be hi-passed and blended with cleaner bass track.
I'm "searching" this type of sound since I've started to play with music production. The general rule is pretty simple, but to get this sound it takes a lot of tweaking (I haven't had opportunity to mix hi end bass so far tough).
But if you ask me if it's possible - then yes - you can get pretty similar results (of course you can clearly hear the difference, especially this grinding low-mid area in B7K example)

Tone is mainly Ignite SHB with little bit of B.O.D
(DI taken from Icem4n's KSE cover. I'm currently working on it so stay tuned;))
The bass DI on that KSE cover is awesome. Made a pretty nice tone with it using Amplitude, then tried another cover song's bass DI with the same settings and it sounded like poop.
I think the bass itself is the most important part of the tone.
I think the bass itself is the most important part of the tone.
Totally agree! It's useless if you have insanely good guitars and kick+snare when bass sucks and sound like a piece of cardboard with used towing lines (If you're into "modern" metal sound). Good wood, good electronics and FRESH STRINGS :)