How to brigter my guitar tone

And please about my snare, do you know how to reverb that shit? Cause i dont know... cant find right sound
I am also very interested in knowing where to boost the highs on a guitar without having it sounding harsh and fizzy.

As far as the snare reverb, it really depends on the song. For the song you posted, which is heavy but has some space in the drum part, the reverb doesn't need to be too noticable. Just make sure that the reverb that you use isn't too long, because that won't fit the song and will just sound muddy.
thanx but if i wanna reverb, i dont know how to add space for it, all is eaten by guitars :))
Cannot listen to your clip right now but brightness in electric guitars usually is in the 4-7kHz range. If you want more bite, try a little boost around 1.5-1.8kHz.
Its tse 808 -> tse x50 -> ASEM RECTO V30 L2
about vocal i know, there is r and l slightly delayed about 0,1 ms and it create that crappy effect that one side is lower :/ and maybe too much attack there
Use an eq to filter out a narrow cut right around 5.9-6.2kH, the width and depth of the cut is to taste. I was under the impression that snare reverb shouldn't be very wide and pretty much sit close to where the actual snare sits. Don't see how it would interefere with rhythm guitars unless it had too much low end or was too wide to begin with.
You can get brightness in the 4-7k range like a previous post said, although sometimes it can clash with cymbals so I occasionally slap a low pass around 15k - 16k to eat out any fizzy-ness. You could try bypassing your tone pot? Or install a push/ pull pot, a lot of people eliminate the tone pot which is like having the knob go to 11-12 instead of just 10, depending on the guitar.

EQ wise, I always believe if its more than just subtle touches than the source needs to be changed. The TSE808 is great for adding brightness, although the X50 is already an exceeding bright sim (at least I think). Something like the LE456 or the Lecto/ Legion have much less harsher ranges, and combined with the 808 you can get more control over brightness I find.
btw my other problem on guitars is that they doesnt sound wide, maybe too mids. Maybe i will try s pres high impulse instead.
btw my other problem on guitars is that they doesnt sound wide, maybe too mids. Maybe i will try s pres high impulse instead.
S Pres High? thats the Catharsis impulse right? I recommend checking out Gods Cab IR's, 700+ Mesa Boogie IR's...for free of course.

As for widening guitars, well thats down to the mix more than IR you use. You could use a little reverb to give it some width, although I prefer not too I have heard some good results. You can quadtrack, as long as you dont overdo it. Something like two tracks L/R panned 100% and two more maybe 3-5db lower panned 75-80% L/R. It helps fill holes while still giving you the spatial width you want.

Its all about experimenting, best thing to do is listen to a mix with your eyes closed. Sometimes you sit there and watch your effects, EQs and all that and your eyes tell you "hey this doesnt look like enough here or here.", so make sure you just sit back and examine.

very very thanks! Any advices to vocals? :)
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Track at a higher sample rate. You'll need to upsample the impulse though or it will sound weird.

This may actually darken the tone due to less aliasing under Nyquist. Guitar doesn't have frequencies which will trigger this anyway...
i agree that you should cut muddy or offending frequencies but to liven it up, i always refer to this.


I usually find when mixing that i nearly always put a stereo Massenberg GML 8200 EQ across the rhythm guitars, if the sound has been recorded cleanly ie no strange fizz or bottom end boom, then the same type of frequencies tend to be boosted on most of my mixes. Frequency wise it's usually around
8-10 khz for the air 4-6 khz for the bite area, usually 1.5 khz for the in your face effect, 400hz for the note of the guitar, and around 70-100 hz to pick out the weight of the cab.The boost amount just depends on what has been recorded, just turn it till it sounds good. This method has worked on many albums i have worked on including Heartwork Carcass, Burn my eyes Machine Head, Chimaira self titled, Bullet for my valentine, The Poison."