How to copy a sound?


Jul 10, 2009

How do you copy a sound?
I have Revalver MKIII, LePou Plugins and a bunch of impulses.
I mean with all the plugins and impulses there are literally endless of possible combinations and still every amp sounds the same on my system....

Some guitar solos have some kind of screaming sound (i don't mean artifical harmonics).... "strident" (Stairway to heaven solo maybe) might be a better word instead of that "mellow" sound you know from neck pickups (Slash? Petrucci?) and no matter what i try i can't seem to get such a sound.

I'm completely lost there. How do you even start to "copy" a particular sound?

And why do my ampsims all sound equal?
I'd say it depends on your guitar. Which one is it?

If ampsims sound all the same, then I'd say it comes down to the guitar you have. They can't do miracles, after all.

Wow, i just noticed what a fucked up sentence i made there in that first post :lol:

My guitar is an Ibanez RG350 with stock PUs and the interface is a toneport.
I have an incredibly hard time matching tones. Like when people do covers on here for tone comparisons, idk. I can't get the tone I want at all. Maybe it's just the way the guitarist plays it.

I am trying to do a band now and the guitarist wants it to have the periphery/bulb sound and I can't even get close to it.
google what people have to say about ibanez stock pickups.
Well. I thought about replacing them. Was never sure if i should either replace my toneport or the pickups.
I don't really want EMGs, cause i think they are only really suited for metal?
What other pickups would you recommend?

I have an incredibly hard time matching tones. Like when people do covers on here for tone comparisons, idk. I can't get the tone I want at all. Maybe it's just the way the guitarist plays it.
Yeah, i hear you. I never know where to start if i want to match a tone.
At least i'm making my own tones now and stopped using presets.
if you want to copy the sound of a guitar player, just do some research. find out what equipment they use, like guitar model, pickups, amps, effects, and also research how it was recorded. then practice some their songs that you like the sound of.

remember that whoever it is that you like probably spent quite a bit of money and time over the years to perfect their sound.
I didn't know if the suggestion was a sarcastic statement. lol I was skeptical in asking it.

dumb questions: bad idea to take the stock pups out of my les paul studio? replace with 81/85? I figured it would be pretty safe to assume
I didn't know if the suggestion was a sarcastic statement. lol I was skeptical in asking it.

dumb questions: bad idea to take the stock pups out of my les paul studio? replace with 81/85? I figured it would be pretty safe to assume

I would def replace those pickups. Do the 81/85 combo. Its a pretty go to set for metal.

I don't use emgs but I know most people are happy with that set so I recommend it.
yah I figured as much.

With me being lazy and not digging through the threads, are there any other pups sneapsters like? I mean it looks like everyone is using emgs. I have the dimarzio evo in my jackson and it was a HUGE improvement over the stock emg-hz's that came in it, but idk. The evo is just... idk. I loved it at first. lol
I took out the 81/85 in my esp eclipse and put in a jb and a jazz. They're definately not as "in your face" as the emg's, but they have a great even/smooth tone with better dynamics (much better cleans), and my 6505+ has enough "in your face" quality to make up for it. plus, I don't have to worry about batteries.
yah I figured as much.

With me being lazy and not digging through the threads, are there any other pups sneapsters like? I mean it looks like everyone is using emgs. I have the dimarzio evo in my jackson and it was a HUGE improvement over the stock emg-hz's that came in it, but idk. The evo is just... idk. I loved it at first. lol

I love these pickups but take into account all my guitars are setup with only bridge pickups.





I love all those pickups although they are all VERY different.