How to: Direct link to sounds with the new Dropbox

Flow Of Time

Oct 6, 2012
Everyone using Dropbox should read this since it's pretty annoying to download every sound someone posts..

1. Right click the Download button of your uploaded file.

2. Click "Copy link adress" (or however it's called in english...)

3. Paste the link into your adress bar.

4. Delete the "?dl=1" at the end of the adress.

5. Copy your edited link and post it wherever you want to.
Plendakor: I don't see how he could write it any clearer and translate it into English any more than he already did? You might wanna READ his description instead of just staring at the picture ...

At the same time you might wanna start using punctuation so that normal people understand that your post actually consists of two sentences and you are not asking anyone to translate the fact that something is written backwards ...

However, if I am mistaken and you were actually asking for that - then your translation would be "Es sieht aus als wäre es rückwärts geschrieben".
Haven't gotten a message to update yet either, is this a beta?

Looks like they have made that change so people can download your files by default when you send them a link. I've had lots of people ask me how they should download a music file after I sent it to them over dropbox (yea..I know). Good to know it can be avoided though :) Thanks!

Btw, the English function is called "copy public link".
Well sometimes, depending on where the person receives the link, the right clic might not be available (like in a messenger application) so when he/she clicks on the link, it opens and read the file, while to download it, he/she would need to copy the link, paste it somewhere where the right clic is available. Happened to me on occasions, it's nice if now we can add the option in the url. It would be better if it's not the norm though
Should just use the desktop client and copy the public link... I don't see why that's so hard to do for some people.
^ All right but the right clic / copy public link is the same mechanics right ? From what I get, the difference is that the whole dropbox folder is public ?

Is there a way to switch to that new system ?
I don't know if there's a way to switch to that new system besides creating a new account.. But why would you want to do that? The new system sucks ass.. It just makes things unconvienient.