Best Way to Share your Music?


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
I'm looking for the best way to share my recordings with friends, particularly on Facebook. I've been using dropbox for years to send links (direct to specific mp3s) to bands I work with and friends, and when you posted a link to an mp3 on Facebook, it used to show up with a big play button. However, now, links to mp3s from dropbox show up on Facebook just as a link with no play button, which is much less conducive to people listening/clicking.

What are my alternatives? I know SoundCloud and Bandcamp exist, but SoundCloud seems to have arbitrary limits unless you pay, and I'm not sure if bandcamp is designed for uploading material as it comes (seems like it's designed more for uploading an entire album or EP at once, but I could be wrong).
I'm totally pissed that dropbox doesn't show a play button anymore too, that shit is WEAK.

I'm not sure if there's a limit on soundcloud, I love bandcamp, but yeah it's aimed more towards entire collections really.
Well if the average song length is 3-4 minutes, that's 30-40 songs. ;)