How to exclude a track from being processed by the master bus in logic


Feb 16, 2010
Memphis, Tn
Here's my situation. I'm making back tracks for my band and there's some synthetic drum and synth stuff. I want to use a limiter to make it nice and punchy without clipping, only one problem. Since I have click right and the track left (in stereo) my click track is making the whole thing pump REALLY hard because it's smashing the limiter. My question is: is there a way to put a limiter on the master and have the click track not be processed by it? I'm using logic pro 8.

Thanks for any help/tips!
there is a few ways you could do it..Im not fimiliar with Logic but does it allow you to import a stereo file as 2 seperate files? if it does then import it in as 2 seperate tracks and just process the backing track.
Why don't you just have another bus be your functioning "Master bus" where you do all of your processing and then send the click and the send from the fake master bus to your real master bus?
Or just have both your master bus and click bus go to your outputs separately as opposed to the click being sent to output via the master bus.