How to export a tempo track from protools?


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
I'm needing to export a tempo track from protools. Not just a audio click track i need cubase to recognize all my time changes that i did in protools. I know if i program something midi in cubase and do time changes on it and export. When i import into protools it ask me if i want to import tempo with it. So its simple from cubase to protools but I'm totally lost the other way.....

Please help me. I'm sure its super simple and I'm just being a NOOb. :blush:
What I do is I make a blank MIDI file in the session...then go "Export Midi" the options menu it'll ask if you want the tempo/meter information....

Then import the Midi file into your other Daw, and it should automatically read all that stuff.
Probably 10 or so and then some different time signatures. I got 4 songs like this. Now when i export midi from protools it does not ask me tempo/meter information. Not that i know of. I have tried exporting a midi track and using in cubase. Now the markers i put up in protools carried over into cubase but the tempo is 120 in cubase still. IM worried about time signatures also.

Man this sucks Ive wasted my whole day today on this with no luck....:erk:
i had the same problem going from cubase -> logic with a tempo track. thank god logic has that tempo list cuz i just wrote down the tempos from cubase and copied it list style into logic.

i wish there was like a universal tempo track format or something.
i wish there was like a universal tempo track format or something.

I agree. I guess i will just have to do the same unless someone can fill me in other wise.

I'm just curious what do you do if your sending to a mix engineer and they need the tempo track and time signatures. How would they go about this problem?
not to be a dick, but there's this thing called pen and paper

i can almost guarantee that in the amount of time you spent trying to figure out how to import that shit, you could've written down the tempos and time changes and which measure they occured on, and manually entered them into cubase
Yea i just don't know cubase that well thats why i was trying to figure out a easy way. I guess i will just have to figure out how to do time signatures in there and just do everything manually.

Also i have took the tempo of fixed in cubase and it just stays 120 still.......
Oh, well in that case, whilst in Cubase, hit "Ctrl-b" (or "Command-B," if you use one of those) to bring up the browser, where you can make tempo/time changes. :)
sorry to bump an old topic but the midi-trick really works. Just make a new midi track, record some midi-silence, select the whole length of the session and export midi. Then in Logic OPEN the midi-file, not import, and everything should be there.

It should be the same with cubase, OPEN it, not import :)