cross platform tempo issues?


Micah Amstutz
Jan 1, 2009
NE Ohio
has anyone experienced this? I've made tracks in reason at the exact same tempo as a cubase song I'm working on, then export the audio, and it goes in and out of tempo. I also experienced this last night trying to work with some files a friend exported from logic. has anyone had the same issues? is there a way to work around this without having to manually tempo map the whole song?
it's crazy. you'd think bpm would be the same. after all it is BEATS PER MINUTE. maybe a Steinberg minute is 62 seconds long. the thing I find odd is sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's not. I just imported more files that were exported from Logic, and they're fine. and when I was having trouble with Reason, it kept going in and out of time. almost like it has a very very subtle swing tempo on it or something... weird isn't there a way to base the tempo track off a midi file or something? I could export a midi tempo track from the other software and reference that in cubase...
no tempo track is there? I recorded my scratch tracks for my album in Nuendo and the drums in Logic on a macbook and then back to my PC with no problems. are your sampling rates the same as well? if it drifts you may have too much load on the CPU or something.
I had this happen to me when exporting guitar tracks for my bands cd, but it only happened on one song. Very odd. It was less that 1 bpm out but it was enough to completely throw everything off after a few bars. Had to adjust tempo's manually until it sat right. Made me vow to never again do a cross platform project if I can possibly avoid it.
a lot of programs see 130 as 130.0001 in cubase
and vise versa

manually check the tempo, every time you open a project.

as in using the time warp tool? what exactly do you mean "check the tempo"?

I had this happen to me when exporting guitar tracks for my bands cd, but it only happened on one song. Very odd. It was less that 1 bpm out but it was enough to completely throw everything off after a few bars. Had to adjust tempo's manually until it sat right. Made me vow to never again do a cross platform project if I can possibly avoid it.

I'm pretty much at that point now. either that or just export the click from the original DAW as an audio file and time warp to that, or just ditch the tempo track on the second daw all together. I just wondered if there was a simple way to fix this issue...
try saving your original project as a MIDI file. no MIDI data necessary... just use "MIDI 1 format".
then open that MIDI file in your other software and import audio into it. then save it in software's native format. all of your markers and tempos should be imported and audio aligned.

i tried this between nuendo and sonar and it worked like a charm.
Once i got a project from a band that needed some overdubs, and later would be synced to their DVD. Even though the band swore it was recorded using a click that, the tempo swung (correct verb?) all the time MORE THAN 1bpm. I thought it was absurd and never figured a tempo i could use for the project. I figured they recorded that w/o a click and made them record freely. Now this thread :o

But pipsymbol idea is great for this.