how to get a great drum sound? please help andy :)


andy's bitch
Aug 17, 2003
new zealand
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hey all

what do you guys do to get a great drum sound?
I find that the kick is always far too muffled sounding and that none of the kit really cuts through except maybe the hats and cymbals(If I'm lucky)

do you guys usually replace most of the kit with some sort of drum module(like the dm4 or dm5) or is it all down to mic placement?

also do you ever use room mics when miking a drum kit or do you usually just gate the whole kit and control the room sound via reverb?


thanks man

when you are adding verb to the drums do you do treat each part of the kit seperately and say add more on the snare? or is it just a verb added over the whole kit?

by the way check your pm's :grin:


Um... with regards to reverb use, I always like to send all parts to the exact same reverb, so everything is in the same 'space'. I set up a bus/aux and send everything I want to be reverbed to that, and use that to feed the reverb's input. I'd also be interested to hear what Andy does though.