How to get a smack in your face snare sound?

Nico Hetfield

Jul 9, 2013
i want that smack big snare sound, i think its some hard compression with slow attack and fast release with a huuuuuuuuuuuuge reverb but I'm still far from sound like this
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Make sure to EQ first (HPF, boost to taste around 120-200, 4k, 8k). Then compress, experimenting with the attack/release. This is where you are really gonna get the "smack". Then use a clipper to give it some level without eating up headroom.

Don't be afraid to get extreme!
Attack and release on the compressor is the key just like luke said, you can get half way there by using samples. automate the release of the snare for fast and slow sections on your songs too

I was thinking of using a clipper or BW limiter for that reason, that confirms my theory.