how to get more Depth in mixes,anybody?


Auryn Studios
Jan 21, 2010
Basque Country
Hey friends!

I have learn about this 1000 times, see a lot of tutorials about one tip that called Haas Effect...etc. I try this effect but i dont like so much the effect (probably I have done wrong). So...what can I do to get more deepnest and more "wet" sound in my mixes?. What reverbs do tou use? And can you give any tip/sugestion for drums to get this depth?. What plugin do you use to do the haas effect or any technique for get more extra depth? Settings? Sorry if you think that I asking a lot, but if because I cant understand well the concept and I try a lot, sounds better without this but...without "wet" and depth sound.

Thanks a lot in advance for reading me and any tip/sugestions or all that you can say to help me, I will to apreciate it, really.

Sorry my english is not the best one, really a shit english I must say hahaha
Use of good live spaces when recording the tracks. Use of high quality gear to bring the tracks into the system. Then a mix that lets key areas of the mids breathe so you can hear the background ambiance of the verb, rooms, delays etc. It's a combination of many factors. There is no one magic bullet.
Thanks ermz friend!!

Really appreciate your answer. I know man...this is not the magic recet, i know, suppose that I have quality gear...anyway, I have asked about reverbs/delay settings to wet more the signal to get more depth or "wet" sound,correctly, for example, for drums. Imagine that I'm working with SD2.0, how can I get more depth sound...this is the type of my question, sorry if I dont explain correctly because my english not the best one. So...any first contact tips are welcome if anybody want to help me with this :)
Sure, well with SD2.0 your main weapon is that amazing room mic (assuming you're using the Avatar library). Activate all of those room mics, close, mid and far. Blend them to your liking/what suits the song, and then CRUSH the shit out of them with an 1176 plug, either all-buttons or a high ratio. Blend huge amounts of this under your drum sound for largeness. The SD2.0 mics do it better than anything else. Seriously the drum ambiance on my Untruth mix is like 98% Superior rooms, and 2% verb.

Make sure to take out a lot of the cymbals bleeding into the room mics first, otherwise when you crush you will get totally killed by the cymbal wash.
Depth comes from a sense of space/distance, and width comes from differences between the left and right sides. You can add room mics, reverbs/delays, stereo micing techniques on instruments, separate effects on the L and R, multi-mono processing on busses, the list goes on. The point is that wide, deep-sounding mixes are the culmination of innumerable smaller factors.
Thanks Ermz!!

Yes, I use avatar kit. I will try that you have said, thanks a lot for your time, I thing that the most problem that I have is the room mics, I believe that always eq'ying or apply a reverb wrong or not that I want....ok, thanks, what can I do...

Thanks blue for your sugestion :)

more techniques,tips,sugestions...? Yehaa!
Dude those drums actually sound pretty good. That said, I'm not a fan of that snare, maybe a little more reverb would help that, but besides that, a lot of it is about room mics. Also try compressing the overheads a little more.