how to get that 'djenty' tone? (tone test)

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
yeah... so I just learned what the word 'djent' means

I've always liked the tone on the palm-muted part on Sad But True or the kind of palm-muted tone Meshuggah, Bulb or Zorran get...

sooooo... any of you guys know how to get that kind of tone? I'm guessing it's has something to do with the gain knob and a boost and the picking technique, but I have no idea how... is my tone djenty enough for you guys?

I'm afraid not :(

(sorry for the sloppy playing)
Yo dude. A tubescreamer of some kind helps alot. I set the tone knob on max, level on 12 o' clock and I leave the gain knob on zero.

A treble booster of some kind may also help you to achieve some nice chuggah. The thinner your strings are, the more djent they will yield. Thinner strings are more trebly. A lot of it is in your picking hand too.. you have to hit the strings really hard while palm muting them just right..
Yeah, a TS is djent city to be sure (and for god's sake read this and don't dare ask "which TS" here :D) - I'm not sure about tone on max myself, but go with whatever sounds best for you!
Metaltastic: Yeah I was really sceptic about that too.. The one who showed me that setting was Dan Swanö when he was helping out my previous band to record. I was like "wtf, that can't be right.." But when I started playing I loved the sound..
Lots of presence and mids, though I find that while certain settings encourage djent, technique has more to do with it. Palm mute with your palm a bit further away from the bridge than normal. You should also take care not to push down as hard with your muting hand, as doing it further from the bridge tends to make the pitch go a bit sharp.
thanks dudes!

guess I ought to change my settings on the Screamer stomp on my POD, right? right now I have drive on 15% and level on 50%...
thanks!... I really need to get myself the metalshop pack, people seem to be getting an amazing tone outta the bigbottom
One of the main problems with your tone on that Metallica cover is the song itself. The bands you refer to all play a completely different style that's really based on low string palm muting.

"Enter Sandman" is not such a song, so maybe try playing some Meshuggah to get closer?
A tubescreamer + Pre EQ (Mid Boost) will help alot to get that Meshuggah djent ;)
I'm gonna have to try that, thanks! :D

I do belive that if you need that juicy djenty tone you need to tune down, or/and play with 7 string (or more ^^)... I think if the lowest string has a bassguitarish effect that gives a cool edgy vibe, like meshuggah, textures, bulb etc...

and hell yeah, get metal pack! bigbottom rules!
I'm gonna be tuning to B standard and Drop A just to experiment a little and getting the MS pack once my guitarrist comes over for vacation... he's studying in the US and well... the heavy string gauges availability over there is much better than over here

One of the main problems with your tone on that Metallica cover is the song itself. The bands you refer to all play a completely different style that's really based on low string palm muting.

"Enter Sandman" is not such a song, so maybe try playing some Meshuggah to get closer?
yeah, lol, not really that much of a Metallica fan, I was just messin' around with some settings and thought Enter Sandman would be a fun and easy song to record... came out a bit sloppy, tho...
I am right there with you fuge. I think the weaker tension, compared to say...E standard, from tuning down definitely helps to get a harder pick attack for the mutes. But the main thing is the position and technique, and then on top of that the tone has to be setup to lend itself to that kind of sound. IMO it's easier with 7+ string guitars because of the lower tunings they are made for.

Yo dude. A tubescreamer of some kind helps alot. I set the tone knob on max, level on 12 o' clock and I leave the gain knob on zero.

A treble booster of some kind may also help you to achieve some nice chuggah. The thinner your strings are, the more djent they will yield. Thinner strings are more trebly. A lot of it is in your picking hand too.. you have to hit the strings really hard while palm muting them just right..

christ, man. you must turn the presence and treble both wayyyyy down if you have the tone knob on the tubescreamer all the way up..... that'd have to sound ridiculously trebley otherwise