How to organize a Saxon Concert in your hometown?


Oct 3, 2002
Visit site
Suppose....anyone of us wants to organize a Saxon concert in his or her hometown.. How do you organize such a thing? Costs etc... Has anyone ever dealt with such a thing, maybe somebody who can give advice ..? This is just a question..., just curious... and who knows.. a wish may come true:Spin:
Its something i had actually thought about myself, i noticed this on the site, i wonder how much Biff charges for a private gig, and your right it would be a dream come true mate!

They can play in my house any time, f*k the neighbours :rock: :rock: :rock:

OOPS !! dont know what happened there !!!

Il write some different stuff here so its not too much of a double post....that should do it !
Its something i had actually thought about myself, i noticed this on the site, i wonder how much Biff charges for a private gig, and your right it would be a dream come true mate!

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They can play in my house any time, f*k the neighbours :rock: :rock: :rock:
I emailed saxons management prob over six months ago now and i asked if i wanted to book saxon for a private gig how much would it cost and they told me it would cost between £3000 and £5000 but it might have changed since then. :hypno:

actually, to do a "small private" show is only a question of money, if the band does stuff like that...most don't. Since Saxon is something special they might be willing to go for it.
Important is for such a private gig, that it's really private, only limited people and a guest list. So you don't interfere with the other (normal) shows.

Then it should just be a the money the band wants, hotels for them, some (small) PA and catering.

It helps a lot when you offer that very early, so it fits in the normal tourplan, or you prolly will have to pay for the travel costs as well.

To organize a real gig in your hometown, well, that's something else. Just getting the location can be a hell of a problem with some town authorities.
It means loads of work, and might be financially a huge loss if it doesn't work out well...

I would merely consider the "private gig", and was thinking about it as well. Best would to have some buddies put some money together. Anyone up to organize something like that here? So Saxon would play a "Fan-Forum-Gig"?

This is a nice topic to chat about.
I think it all depends on: (A) how 'private' you want the gig; (B) your hometown Gig resources; (C) building a decent, credible contact base, and (D) how organised and committed you are to the event.
A: If you make the gig a strictly private event, you run the risk of not selling tickets. Therefore, if this is your choice, you need to succesfully action promotion through forums, magazines and fan clubs etc. I would personally promote the gig on all the major Rock/Metal forums and every Saxon Website. I would then ensure some kind of exposure in your local papers and have them arrange a competition to give out free tickets (they love that kind of thing!). I would then still leave (and advertise) the option that tickets will be sold on the door if available.
B: If you're in a fair sized town or city, chances are there will be a club/venue that is accostmed to dealing with Rock gigs. Somehow, I don't think having Saxon play at a local pub is a realistic idea. If you present a well prepared plan to the owners of the club/venue, I'm sure that they will be willing to cooperate. They will be very happy to have the business, especially if you make it clear that you are willing to spearhead promotion, advertising and ticket sales. Additionally, they will be able to provide all the Health & Safety stuff that is required as well. All you have to worry about is their request of a deposit and base fee - in other words, they will want to break even if noone decides to turn up. Opposed to that, if your homeplace is a little village or a town that hasn't a hall that can fill at least a couple of hundred people (let alone have a licence to sell booze), I'd forget about it.
C: You are going to need decent contacts and have their confidence - especially with the band and their management. On a local level you will need people that are willing to advertise the gig(local media & Radio, music shops etc.) and may need people that are qualified (Security, Bar Staff etc.) or simply willing fans that are happy to hand out flyers, provide word of mouth and stuff. Another note of local interest - try and have a local band agreed to be the support act. This will increase local interest and bring more punters that, otherwise, would have not attended, therefore increasing the demad for tickets.
D: If you get all these things ticked off, it will prove to the band and their management that you are a realistic proposal and will probably be willing to negotiate a date for the event. Either way, they will take your offer very seriously and have to provide a decent reason to saying 'No'!

Kelly - I think it is a great idea if all the forum members put some cash together to arrange a proper private gig, but we all come from so many different places and stuff. If there was a local fan club (for example in my case, Gloucestershire/Midlands UK) then it could be possible, but I can't se how it is possible on such a large scale
Sorry to be a bummer on that! I would love it if the Forum could have their own, special gig!
Who knows, maybe the band's management can think of something?
heavycelli said:
Suppose....anyone of us wants to organize a Saxon concert in his or her hometown.. How do you organize such a thing? Costs etc... Has anyone ever dealt with such a thing, maybe somebody who can give advice ..? This is just a question..., just curious... and who knows.. a wish may come true:Spin:

Saxon actually did me a HUGE favor the last time they toured the US. The last date of the "Killing Ground" tour was in Houston Texas which is where I am from. They played this small club which was only about 3 miles from my house. I guess dreams do come true.
Rgarcia - nice one! If only this happened to all of us!
Was the audience a few hundred or less? What was the atmosphere like?
More importantly, how cool did it feel to simply walk out the front door and, a few minutes later, watch the best British Rock band play live!!
Come on, Biff! If you can do this, you can play at Cheltenham Town Hall!!!!
Saxon actually did me a HUGE favor the last time they toured the US. The last date of the "Killing Ground" tour was in Houston Texas which is where I am from. They played this small club which was only about 3 miles from my house. I guess dreams do come true.

Biff & the lads sure seem to like Texas. Last time they were in Illinois they played a small club that was impossible for me to attend that evening (I think I was really sick). I'm praying for a similar situation with better results next tour.
jmillion said:
Biff & the lads sure seem to like Texas. Last time they were in Illinois they played a small club that was impossible for me to attend that evening (I think I was really sick). I'm praying for a similar situation with better results next tour.

I guess that is good news again for me.

I also saw them several times in the 1980's. I saw them play here as an opener for Rainbow, Iron Maiden & Triumph. I saw them as headliners once with Accept opening, another time they had Hurricane as their opening act. It is kind of surprising they tour here as much as they do. The only music they like to promote around here is either Rap or this American Idol crap.