how To Properly Irrigate Your Sinus'


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
I laughed my ass off at this video.
Some of you may be familiar with it already - and I apologize if this has already been posted.
You must watch until the end ... I found it to be funny.
Check it out:

[ame=]Sinus Stuff[/ame]

The fun really starts @ 00:55 (apprx)
I started laughing because it look like this shit is uncomfortable for him to do ...
Take care

A while back I ate some bad stake and got wicked sick. So after puking for a few hours I grabbed one of those sports-water bottles and sprayed my nose full of hot water. Few minutes later I sneezed out a semi-digested piece of month old meat out of my nose.

True story.