I'm so going to hell...

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Someone showed this to me at the studio and I just started laughing histerically (minus the little kid which actually makes me really sad)... but jesus, I never laughed so hard... You guys are probably not gonna find this funny at all, I cant find it funny at all now, but the 1st time I saw it jesus...

Not going to heaven now that's for sure
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Hm.. sad rather than funny.
The "Timmey" one made be instantly think of Southpark, though. I guess if you're in a laughing mood and with a few other people you could find that somehow funny :p
Can't say I'm laughing either, all I see here are disabled people saying what they enjoy.

My name is gareth and I like jazz.

Difference? None aside from that they're disabled.

however THIS is hilarious
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I realize it's not funny at all, but it was just a bunch of guys laughing at the video and I thought it was funny too at the time, I actually feel really sorry for the little kid, it seems to be the most horrible thing, but the most funny bit is indeed the GOTHIC chick hahah
Oh no, this finally landed here. The normal chick is 5'10", in case you're wondering, and she's one of my best friends.
My brother has cerebral palsy, but im not that stiff about it.. but i couldnt see what was funny in this?
Not that im offended that anyone does, but i just dont get the funny part.

But i have to say, im impressed by the 1:05 part!
We had a guy in my school with the same condition, and when he talked it seriously sounded like chewbacca... but his assistant always knew what he was saying!
Is there like a book "How to understand and speak rtard"?