With all respect, you do kind of sound like an elitist asshole. (No Flame)call me an elitist asshole but if i had fans like that at my gig I'd have to force myself not to facepalm in the middle of a song. I wouldn't want such a fanbase. Don't know why man, might sound lame for me to say, because after all they're paying to see me and are (supposedly) showing appreciation to my stuff, but just as a painter wouldn't want his/her admirers to act rowdily and obnoxiously at an art gallery, in the same way I wouldn't like that fan base killing the vibe I'm trying to set.
Then again, most bands who have slamdancers actually construct their songs for that purpose, throwing in bland breakdowns wherever there's some gap to fill, just to feed the masses.
Maybe I see it differently because the kind of music I'd like to play isn't made with that purpose.
Imma let you finish but WOC was one of the best death metal albums of all time.
moshing with a good crowd of metal brothers is one of the best things in the universe. overwhelming sense of camraderie.
slam dancing can go fuck itself
hardcore dancing needs to die even faster.
anyway, enjoy it muckypupand listen winds of creation more, i dont see how anyone could prefer the newer ones after really getting into WoC
Decapitated are coming to Australia in April - they'll be playing with Psycroptic, Origin, and Misery Index. Also, Behemoth are coming to play in that same week! Will be fucking awesome!
With all respect, you do kind of sound like an elitist asshole. (No Flame)
So what they're a bunch of kids. They BUY YOUR SHIT. Or at least the merch and the tickets and the stupid fucking flip up hats. Lets face the fucks dude, if they aren't there buying your shit you won't eat that night. That's the law of the land dude.
Some bands like slam parts, so they DO make songs around it but so what, the kids enjoy it.
It's not that hard to avoid the "pit" area.
Now, I understand if you play in a different kind of band, but if you are in a band that has anything remotely cut time or chuggy, you have to expect that there's some kids that are going to want to "express themselves." Hhaha.
I don't slamdance or mosh or do any of that shit, but if those kids are buying your shit, I think they need SOME degree of respect.
Yeah it's kinda retarded but so is metal haha.