How to setup bus fx for guitars in Reaper


Apr 23, 2009
Hi people out there. I read all the posts here ate the forum but I don't write often because I'm not an expert as most of you are.

I read all forums and couldn't find the way to get a bus fx track to send 2 tracks of guitars and panned, for example L80% and R80%, I'm using Reaper. I dealed with ins and outs and sends and receives but can't get the sound panned using one fx bus track for the 2 tracks I recorded. All sounds centered.

My chain goes this way: guitar -> pod 2.0 (like bypass clean tube pre) -> line in -> SIR -> SD-1 Simulanalog -> 8505 -> LeCab -> ReaEQ -> Ferox (JB)

Thanks just for reading. If you can help me I will be greatful.

You just need to create a new track, put the reverb there and in the guitar tracks you send them to the track fx.
check to make sure that your receives on your FX Bus track are set to Post Fader/Post Pan, and make sure you are using a reverb that gives you control over the Stereo width of the Verb. ReVerberate has a "Stereo Width" setting on it's control panel. If you pull it all the way to the right, setting it to "1.00" the effect will come out panned however it is panned on it's original track. So, if you are feeding guitars 1 and 2 through your Reverb Bus, each panned at 100% L and 100% R, the reverb from each guitar will come out panned as well. You can mute each original guitar track to check it's panned output on the Bus track.