how to tell you are in no condition to answer the phone


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
last night i fell asleep around 11:30 and was dreaming about my cell phone alarm going off and me picking it up to hit the snooze button which coincidentally is the end button.

come to find out that my friend was actually calling me and in my mostly asleep state i picked up my phone, hit the answer button and then hit the end button.

then it rang again and i woke up and wasn't really aware of what had happened until she told me. then after a few minutes of conversation i realized i was starting to fall asleep on the phone and then admitted to her that i really shouldn't be talking right now, apologized for hanging up on her and then i fell asleep immediately after resetting my alarm.
:grin: this morning I did the same thing to my girlfriend. She called to make sure I was up at 8:30, which I wasn't, and the first time I picked up and hung up. Luckily she called back right away. Can't help that I like my sleep so much.
Baliset said:
and then i fell asleep immediately after resetting my alarm.
This is a dangerous practice, please for the safety of yourself and others, stick to using the snooze button.
kleo706 said:
Greg has female friends?
what can i say?

Ladies Love Cool Greg
