How true is Opeth?

Is there really so much tension between Swedes and Norwegians ???

I don´t think there is in general, but fuckups like Darkthrone consider Opeth and their ilk to be "false metal" since they are not "tr00" to the black metal scene as it was in Norway in the begining of the 90´s
Korlich said:
I don´t think there is in general, but fuckups like Darkthrone consider Opeth and their ilk to be "false metal" since they are not "tr00" to the black metal scene as it was in Norway in the begining of the 90´s
In what way are Darkthrone fuckups? Also since when have Darkthrone ever had a thing to say about Opeth? Opeth are not "true" (yes, I'm using proper English!) because they aren't Black Metal.
not true enough?
aiigt you have convinced me.....maybe they are a little bit tr00. But they still have room for improvment. For example; when was the last time they sacrificed a goat on stage? Exactly, a very long time ago. So untr00.

well anyway, i'm gonna see 'em live tonight, and if they are untr00 then I won't be focused during the next churchburning (next friday that is).
Evil_evol said:
exactly how true is opeth nowadays?

let's take a look at the facts;

1. they are from sweden, not norway. Anyone over the age of 1 knows that you can not be true unless you are norwegian. scientist can date writings on this subject as far back as to ancient greece. Plato wrote abot this in "the republic".

2.No crosses turned upside down. Opeht does'nt even seem to try being associated with the devil, or satanism as a whole. U can't be les true.

3. Weak growling. Not true at all.

4. Pentagrams anyone? no, I did'nt think so.

5. Not from norway. I can not emphasise this enough. They ain't tr00.

Opeth should really not let their musical talent go to waste. It's time for them to get their act togeheter and start praising lucifer. an acacional churchbruning now and then would'nt exactly be so bad either.

1. who gives two fucks where they are from? they are good artists, you don't need to be a norweigen to be good, dumbass

2. Satanism in metal gives it a bad name as a whole, more people like the fact that a band doesn't go with the flow...that proves they sell out, thats why i can't find good black metal or death metal :(

3. Weak not at all....maybe it's not as brutal as morbid angel, death, or nile, but it's still death metal

4. Pentagrams prove of selling out :p

5. stfu, norways only good is my daily dose of dimmu borgir and the Kovenant :p
Evil_evol said:
exactly how true is opeth nowadays?

let's take a look at the facts;

1. they are from sweden, not norway. Anyone over the age of 1 knows that you can not be true unless you are norwegian. scientist can date writings on this subject as far back as to ancient greece. Plato wrote abot this in "the republic".

2.No crosses turned upside down. Opeht does'nt even seem to try being associated with the devil, or satanism as a whole. U can't be les true.

3. Weak growling. Not true at all.

4. Pentagrams anyone? no, I did'nt think so.

5. Not from norway. I can not emphasise this enough. They ain't tr00.

Opeth should really not let their musical talent go to waste. It's time for them to get their act togeheter and start praising lucifer. an acacional churchbruning now and then would'nt exactly be so bad either.

I would tell you to go end your life right now, but I don't want to be rude.
The saddest part is...people would probably be serious about that at some point towards opeth and other bands....I even know some people around here who run around in the forests with corpsepaint and record shitty "underground" tr00, gr1m, and n3cr0 albums in their basements with names like "Lord Necropuke" and "Garaggorath"...they're pretty annoying individuals to be around, but alas at metal concerts we can't be choosers since they bring people like this out of the woodwork and into the fold :(