How trustworthy is this?

Can't really comment on the link, as I've never heard of the site or the product, but I had a DM5, and before selling it I took the opportunity to record almost all the samples from it in case I ever wanted to use them. I got all the kicks and snares I think, and more than likely all the toms, but I skimped on some of the weird effects, percussion and cymbals that I was pretty sure I'd never use in a million years. I have yet to slice them all up into individual samples though. That is a task I don't look forward to.

Why am I mentioning this? Fuck if I know.
Haha, Andy said on here a few years ago that he used some toms from the DM5 on a killswitch album (I guess AOJB). The D4 seems to get a better rep than the DM5 and a ton of producers (Andy & Colin included) have used them quite a lot in their mixes (Andy mentioned that colin liked snare 15 from the D4).

I think I may have a DM5 sample set knocking around actually somewhere, the D4 ones seem harder to come by. Also on that link you can download a trial - included is the Fat City snare sound (used on AOJB). This one seems to be sampled a little better than some other versions I had knocking about of it.
Woa, thats cool. Now that I think about it, some of those DM5 toms sounds that I always hated do sound familiar when I think of AoJB, haha. It's crazy how Andy was able to put them to good use like that. Honestly I'd never think of using those drum sounds for any of my own stuff, but he made them work so well on that album that they help create a huge part of that album's feel. Anything else would just be weird.

Neither do I :erk: