How was your 2010?


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
Hello in this thread you can describe how year 2010 was for you.

For me it was great because I've accomplished a lot of things and I've had a lot of fun in many things. I've learned a lot about many things too. And I've done things I really wanted to do for a long time

Now it's your turn :D

Later, Symphonic Life
Wonderful year for me... finished another two semesters in school with a wonderful grade point average, had an amazing year all around with my girlfriend, tried a bunch of new things, got accepted into university for next fall... it was a really good year! Got a lot of things done but still have so much to do. 2011 is going to be even busier/more stressful, but I'm excited to see what it brings.
Wonderful year for me... finished another two semesters in school with a wonderful grade point average, had an amazing year all around with my girlfriend, tried a bunch of new things, got accepted into university for next fall... it was a really good year! Got a lot of things done but still have so much to do. 2011 is going to be even busier/more stressful, but I'm excited to see what it brings.
Sounds like you spend a lot of your time on studying's not the only important thing at life. but I guess it's for a future job that pays well.

Is there a military recruitment over there man? At about age 18-19 here you are forced to serve in the military or you go to jail.
2010 has been full of ups and downs for me really. A few ups and downs for the year for me are the following:


  • Been to more gigs this year than any other year of my life and most have been awesome!
  • Some particularly great albums and video games have been released this year.
  • Achieved a Level 5 Management qualification that I'm quite proud of and hope will take me places career-wise in the future.
  • I'm still in Employment, although the source of said Employment plays it's part in the downs...
  • My relationship with my best friend, of which our friendship is strong enough so that I practically consider her family, took a bit of a turn for the worst at one point this year but after we sorted things out our friendship is probably stronger than it ever has been. I think the ordeal made her realise the true extent of how much I value our friendship and it's been reflected with how much time we've been able to spend together in the last few months.


  • Pretty much just work and the effect it has had on me, such as how incredibly stressful it has been for long periods of time (I was signed off work by my Doctor with stress for 2 weeks back in September it got that bad).
  • The company I worked for has really struggled in general, particularly in the most important part of it, the profit (or lack thereof) side of it and those who have stuck through it including myself have had to suffer the backlashes of ex-employees causing undeserved extra-hassle, along with other unexpected setbacks.
  • As a result of the above comes the disappointment that I have not yet managed to get another job.
Sounds like you spend a lot of your time on studying's not the only important thing at life. but I guess it's for a future job that pays well.

Is there a military recruitment over there man? At about age 18-19 here you are forced to serve in the military or you go to jail.

No... I just had a lot of school stuff this year, and a career in music certainly will not pay well... but whatever, I'd rather do what I like. There's no government-imposed military recruitment in the USA - you don't have to serve if you don't want to. I know Finland also has a military thing similar to what you have...
No... I just had a lot of school stuff this year, and a career in music certainly will not pay well... but whatever, I'd rather do what I like. There's no government-imposed military recruitment in the USA - you don't have to serve if you don't want to. I know Finland also has a military thing similar to what you have...

Just real curious - who's the guy in your avatar? if it's you, then you look pretty damn cool.

In here in Israel you must serve in military anyway....they don't let you get away from it, but if you do what they say and collaborate they help you with stuff later on at life. Like, renting a house and a car and that sort of things. :) so I'm not gonna be a pussy about it :D
2010 has been full of ups and downs for me really. A few ups and downs for the year for me are the following:


  • Been to more gigs this year than any other year of my life and most have been awesome!
  • Some particularly great albums and video games have been released this year.
  • Achieved a Level 5 Management qualification that I'm quite proud of and hope will take me places career-wise in the future.
  • I'm still in Employment, although the source of said Employment plays it's part in the downs...
  • My relationship with my best friend, of which are friendship is strong enough so that I practically consider her family, took a bit of a turn for the worst at one point this year but after we sorted things out our friendship is probably stronger than it ever has been. I think the ordeal made her realise the true extent of how much I value our friendship and it's been reflected with how much time we've been able to spent together in the last few months.


  • Pretty much just work and the effect it has had on me, such as how incredibly stressful it has been for long periods of time (I was signed off work by my Doctor with stress for 2 weeks back in September it got that bad).
  • The company I worked for has really struggled in general, particularly in the most important part of it, the profit (or lack thereof) side of it and those who have stuck through it including myself have had to suffer the backlashes of ex-employees causing undeserved extra-hassle, along with other unexpected setbacks.
  • As a result of the above comes the disappointment that I have not yet managed to get another job.
Hmm that's pretty interesting dude. To be honest, I've had pros and cons like you said too but I can't think of them all. I suck at trying to get reminded about things(not REMEMBERING them though which I don't actually suck at)...that probably didn't make sense but whateva
That is indeed me, a picture from my webcam while goofing around a while ago, and the angle I think is entertaining because it looks directly at my posts, haha. And thanks!
I really like your hairstyle dude.

Anyway looking forward to hear from other people how 2010 was for them.....
Well, I'm at school so I have to make this kinda brief. lol

One of the biggest highlights for me last year was falling in love with "Power Quest"! Hihihihihihohohohoho! ^^ :Smokin:
Yeah man I remember my first time hearing the song that got me to know PQ.... I think it was either Cemetery gates or Wings of forever....