How Long...


Lord of Mediocraty
Jul 8, 2003
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How long has everyone been playing guitar and what was the hardest thing to learn? What things (exercises, ideas) did you do to overcome the things that were difficult.

I've been playing for almost 10 years and I still can't get a grip on sweeping...
Ashamed to admit I've been playing for 19 years now and haven't done a damn thing with it.

Sweeping only takes practice. Just give yourself time and work it into a daily practice session.

The hardest thing for me to learn has been, and still is, "stirring the soup" in jazz while blowing through I-iv-ii-V7 progressions and trying to keep up with the bloody changes while soloing.
5 years. The truly hardest thing is when you start to get faster but a bit sloppier, to slow down, RECOGNIZE that you could be playing cleaner, and then really focus on getting anything you play clean. It becomes very easy at certain points to decide that you can sweep or shred at max quality, but if you don't record yourself and develop a good ear, you'll end up sounding like kirk hammet... and no one wants that.
SyXified said:
5 years. The truly hardest thing is when you start to get faster but a bit sloppier, to slow down, RECOGNIZE that you could be playing cleaner, and then really focus on getting anything you play clean. It becomes very easy at certain points to decide that you can sweep or shred at max quality, but if you don't record yourself and develop a good ear, you'll end up sounding like kirk hammet... and no one wants that.
haha, ive been trying to tell my friend the same thing about kirk hammett, he was goin off about how amazing hammett is, and how his vibrato sounds awesome, and im just wondering what on earth he's talking about.

that said, i agree with your point, that's kinda where I am, trying to play everything cleaner, which is without a doubt the most frustrating thing on electric guitar. I say electric because i also play classical, and that gets extremely frustrating, for example, if you break your thumbnail like i recently did. :hotjump:
I play bass...Hardest song for me that I can play, Sea of Lies, its crazy hard, and I play it pretty unsmoothly