Went to work.
Got bored.
Came home.
I phished this douches myspace password and got my other friend to help fuck with all of his friends, most of which were too stupid to realize it wasn't him. Then he logged in to his own account (in all the fun, we forgot to change the password, which actually ended up leading to some big LOLcakes), but we were still in, so as he was trying to clear shit up with people, who now hate him for being a womanizing rapist, we continually sent counter emails to them, fucking with them more... for some reason they believed me... then we got into a bulletin war, where he would post a bulletin about being "haxx0red" and then I would post a bulletin in retort to his claims. Eventually, some how, we managed to make him believe that there were several hundred people on his account. He then deleted his account, but we have already found and phished his new account, and will wait till his friends build up till we start again.
I played Madden 08 while doing this.
So overall, my day wasn't constructive at all.