How would you pan 3 guitarist in a mix?

If they did their arrangement right you will have no problem to mix the shit.

In such a scenario I usually pan not dead-center but a few percent left or right. It *can*make a difference.
Consider a stereo setup for the third guitar as well - I mean: If you record with two cabs/mics - pan one a little left and the other a little right.

I once did a band with two bass-players. Now that was a pure PITA. It took me ages to get it right in the mix because both of them were not really good and the stuff they played was not really clever arranged. It can work when one plays "low" and the other playes somewhat lead-style. But if both are playing E-E-E-E... damn, that was hard.
If they did their arrangement right you will have no problem to mix the shit.

In such a scenario I usually pan not dead-center but a few percent left or right. It *can*make a difference.
Consider a stereo setup for the third guitar as well - I mean: If you record with two cabs/mics - pan one a little left and the other a little right.

I once did a band with two bass-players. Now that was a pure PITA. It took me ages to get it right in the mix because both of them were not really good and the stuff they played was not really clever arranged. It can work when one plays "low" and the other playes somewhat lead-style. But if both are playing E-E-E-E... damn, that was hard.

Ok, seriously. What is the point of having 2 bass players.

I really don't understand.

Recently a band from my hometown wanted to start a 2-drums band. That is so fucking pointless. The only time I think a second drummer is useful if for dual drums solo, to spice up the drum solo a bit, because honestly I think drums solo are one of the most boring thing in the world, even the ones from the great like Neil Peart. But yes it spices it up a bit, but still, it is like if a really really ugly woman would suddenly have bigger boobs. A drum solo is so damn boring. I mean, even if you play 4 differents beats, the hi-hat being in 17/16 the kick in 4/4 the snare in 3/4 and the ride in 5/4, yes you're good mr robot, but like a robot, you are really boring. I can recognize the talent, but it's like people making these huge pyramids of playing cards, it is so pointless and boring. And the worse thing that can happen is drummers making drum solos and playing not tight, that is so horrible. And another thing that I really hate is these 30 456 videos on youtube of 3 years old kid playing like Eruption with only one hand with the guitar in your back while dancing while 4 different stereos playing eruption at different time just to confuse him but the kid still plays the damn solo perfectly because he is like god. At the beginning people were impressed, but now there is like 44 256 of other kids playing the same shit but in a different away, like with the other arm or with the guitar behind his head instead of his back or walking through glass at the same time or whatever. Its sooo boring too, I don't care that your kid can play guitar like a god, he is really boring because there are tons of clone on him on youtube.

I don't mean to offend any drummer but seriously, fuck drum solos.
Ok, seriously. What is the point of having 2 bass players.

I really don't understand.

There is no point. It makes no sence! At least from a technical/musical point of view.

I'm surprised you just didn't automate some serious muting action for all the unison parts!

Yea - this would technically the best thing to do. But it is their music/band/concept not mine. And if they decide to have two bass-players then I will find a way how that can work on the record.

If we start to diskuss something like that, than we could say "why a third guitarist?" Kick him out exept when he is doing standard-lead/solo stuff...
Or "why that shaky drummer? Why editing those hits? I better program those drums and we are done in less time with a better result."
Gotta agree, Whitechapel ain't very cool. Good mix on their latest album, and there's a cool riff here or there, but otherwise it is quite generic. The vocals are EXTREMELY generic.
Enemies Of Reality is 3 tracks. That album is absolutely NOT gay.

7 String guitars loaded with EMG 707 pickups
Ibanez Tube Screamer TS-9 (Se Similar to Above)
Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
3 (rhythm) guitar tracks
Source: Andy Sneap (and Silverwulf) on his forum at"

I love this tone despite the problems with the mix.