How young is too young for marriage?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So the "marriage thing" popped up again with the woman recently, and since we've been dating for over 3 years and neither one of us are getting younger, my hardline stance of NO I'M TOO YOUNG and IT'S TOO SOON DAMMIT gets weaker by the day. So how young did you married bastids get hitched? We're both about to turn 25 by the way. I don't really want to settle down just yet, but unlike any other time in my life, the thought of it actually springs to mind in a positive light without being prompted.

It's safe to assume I'm pretty bored on a Friday afternoon by the way. :loco:
Personally, I'd seriously question a marriage by people under 20. After that it depends on the people involved...would take a few years of relationship to see whether it's worthwhile or not.

Kids on the other hand...I can see myself speaking for a good few of my mates when I say it ain't good until you're into your 30s! I had this conversation whith a rather young friend a few months back...she said that if my and my lot ended up raising a kid together round about now it would be a pretty damn mental alternative opinion on that is "problem child". I hate problem children >_<
What was that bit about "don't mince words" you said the other night Mark? :lol:

When I was younger I always told myself don't get married until you're 27. Sounded like a good age I guess, and last year I thought "let's bump that up to 30," but now I'm thinking that wouldn't be so bad. As far as children go, I'm looking forward to parenthood, but I'd rather wait awhile until the majority of my foolish behavior calms down a bit, so I can be a good pops and all. :loco:
I want to retire at 55, so I don't want to worry about kids school fees then and all that craziness at that age. When I'm retired, I want my kids to have done college already so they can stand on their own two feet and go fend for themselves. That's when I can go travelling around the world again or something to that effect. Maybe emigrate to Melbourne, Australia finally.
I'm getting married in November, and I'll be 26, she'll be 23. We've been together since Sept of 2000, and have lived together for over a year.
Me and the wife knew each other back in high school. I was a senior, she was a freshman. We were friends, but I never knew she had a crush on me back then. She was dating a friend of mine...

Years pass, I moved to Austin, hadn't thought about her for like 5-6 years. I moved back to Houston in '97 and coincidentally moved into the same apartment complex she lived in. Ran into her a few times, she soon moved in with me, that was in '98. Got to know each other living together, married in 2001, had our daughter, Carly Rhiannon, that winter and we'll celebrate our 3rd anniversary this June.

And.... Official Royal Carnage Announcement: Carly Rhiannon will soon have a brother or sister! :yell: :headbang: :D I even know conception date!
Hey man, congrats!

I've known the woman since middle school, even had several classes with her, but we never so much as said hello until running into each other in college.
I was 23 when I got married. I feel I got a lot of stuff out of my system while in college, and like JayKeeley, I enjoy doing a ton of stuff with the wife. She's not really into Anaal Nathrakh or anything, but that's only a tiny portion of who I am anyway. After all, how many people can say they would move half way across the country just because their husband/wife REALLY wanted to. My wife and I had nothing to gain by moving to California, but she knew I needed to do it for my own reasons and she was more than eager to go along. I'm not really into the kid thing yet. That'll probably be a while.

NAD . . . didn't you say a while back that you broke up with your gal? Or was it just a fight.

Papa Josh . . . congratulations. It seems life is going a lot better for you these days. I won't bring up too much of the past, but I can remember some rough times for you (jeez, it sounds like I've known you for YEARS).
The incident I mentioned a month or so ago was just a fight*, but we did break up for a few days about two years ago. That was the first time the marriage issue reared its head, and it had been in hiding until recently.

*fight defined as NAD getting pissy about something stupid
Josh, are you hoping for a boy, girl, or does it matter to you?

THe only reason I ask is because most people I know that are having kids these days have a preference, eventhough when the kid is actually born it desn't matter.

I hope my first is a boy. :)
Dreamlord said:
Josh, are you hoping for a boy, girl, or does it matter to you?

THe only reason I ask is because most people I know that are having kids these days have a preference, eventhough when the kid is actually born it desn't matter.

I hope my first is a boy. :)

You know, that's what we were hoping for, but like you said, when they arrive it doesn't matter either way!

We are hoping for a boy though. That way we can officially stop. :D
I can't see myself having children. Shit, drool and whining. I'll pass.

[Edit: not trying to ruin the mood :p]
I was 22 when I got married and now I am 27 and 1 child and I think it is fine. Just make sure you know it is time. have a long engagement, that is what I did...(2 years).
Congrads Papa!!!

I got married when I was 26, and shall have kid of my own within the week:Spin: . How young is to young, well that depends on your maturity and/or readiness for it. I got with my g/f now wife in High School, dated for 8 years then got hitched. We made up our mind that we won't get married till after Highschool/College so if we screw up we wouldn't have a divorce to contend with. Seems to have worked cause we been together for ten years already.

I never found a woman better than the one I already have. :cool: