How young is too young for marriage?

Goat fucking damnit, a chum informed me that he's getting hitched in the not so distant future. Why can't an enamored couple just drive down to city hall with a couple witnesses and sign some papers? Why must a public sermon of affection be undertaken? My year is ruined.

I have to agree. Weddings are so unbelievably gay and ridiculous. The only thing worse is having a wedding ceremony for your second or third or whatever marriage.
haha yeah thats what I was picturing when I wrote that

although I just realized how many couples I know where just one of the involved parties was previously married. I would think that would be somewhat awkward for the newlywed person
I'll have to ask never occurred to me until just now
does any man really care about the wedding? wouldnt most men rather elope to vegas/tahoe/cityhall and spend the savings on something thats not a huge waste of cash? like a down payment on a house or an awesome vacation or something?
yeah what dorian said. weddings are a complete waste of money. the more people you invite the more you pay and the less you remember.
you won't even meet everyone that came to see you.
I stayed pretty much sober for mine. not sure how I pulled off that stunt.
is it socially unacceptable in the usa to just fuck off and have a small-time wedding with the closest 5-10 of your relatives or what