How'd last nite go?

knowin 54 (it was a 54 gig u couldnt get to rite?) then bloody excellent as usual.... :headbang:

perhaps a couple of sound difficultes.... but u always get them...

crowd where really into it tho! and sum1 ppl really liked em and bought merch....

but then, wadda i know... i wasnt there.... ;)

this place is just one big love fest!

How come everything i look at nowadays is full of lurve? ;)

I havent had any reports back from the gig im afraid.... but if anyone went (NOT the band ;) ) send me a review for the fansite. Marvellous.

I should be at emergenza in july too :D Been over a year since my last visit to old cockney town ;)
The starting time for Area 54 was changed and the band had not been told, so they launched into Where To Hide (Suicide) and no vocal mics on. Fifteen minutes later and off and running this time, once the background music had been turned off!!
Despite this, a cracking good set pretty well received, unfortunately not a great turn out for the evening. Dragonforce and Virgin Steele also rocked.
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Last nights gig, after a really naff mistake on timings for the start, was grand. (Remember it has happened to some of the best bands that one... and in some cases a lot worse has happened)
Personally the best band there (and several other peoples comments certainly justifies that statement. I guess there were a ffew there who have never heard of Area 54 before...they sure have now!)
They still deserve better though, no chance to sound check or get timings organised will always make a gig like this fraught with those annoying sound and technical hitches...... so make sure you are all there on July 14th (no excuses...oh apart from sudden death!! but please let us know all the same!!) so we can see them on there way to bigger and better things.

Hi to all who went.
hey all
i went to the underworld gig with the prime directive of seeing dragonforce
i was there for the soundcheck as i had a backstage pass (lil brother is the DF photogrpaher so i lucked out)
the sounddude was a CUNT
he was bitching at the support acts and made them hurry
i would have beaten his trendy fucking face in if id played
hadnt heard of Area54 before the gig so wasnt expecting much (i usually hate support acts)
but i was blown away
i was proud that they got pissed up against the shite sound quality
it wasnt much better when i saw kamelot there a ferw months ago
the underworld just dont give a shit it seems
but yeah i was fucking impressed with 54... good melody, good pace, good rhythm, good licks, proper metal
i was prepared for some nu metal shite or soemthing
but i could feel the maiden and megadeth in there (dunno who u guys claim as influence)

sure ima power metal / trad man, but this was something new to my ears and i liked it
if i can get to any more london (or right up north when im at uni) gigs i will totally be there

i went there for DF, as im a massive dragonforce fan, and personally they stole the show (likew the way you gotta tell your girlfriend that shes the best looking woman on a catwalk of supermodels ;) )
but Area54 and virgin steele both kicked arse
i do love my heavy metal
fuck nu metal and that shit
take it back to the old school

i was the big fat skinhead guy in the manowar t shirt, spoke to the guitarist without the beard at some point (non main singer)

guys, and girl, that was a sweet gig
best of luck and hope to catch you around
when i get some money i will invest in a cd or 2 of yours (if theres any out)
The gig was great - I watched from halfway back so I could actually see everything this time. Usually I have a camera stuck to my face ;)
Glad you enjoyed it, one album available, No Visible Scars, a second due later in the year hopefully.
Hope to bump into you at a future gig.:headbang: :headbang:
Originally posted by Raven_1
had to work couldnt make it which sucked just sat at work whishing i was somehere else

glad everyone had a good time though

same here mate :( :( a friend attended though and said it was a blinding gig......which made me feel a lot better ;) yeah, shame about the arsewipe "sound" tech tho :mad:

see y'all at LA2 :D