For those who went to the oakland show...


Dec 20, 2004
What did i miss? I Couldnt go :'( dumb circumstances prevented me from seeing my favorite band. So yeah, how was it?
Yeah I was gonna go but I couldn't. Honestly I'm not really into big arena concerts. Even though I came pretty clse to convincing myself just because Opeth was gonna be on the bill, but at the end i decided not to.

Do you or anybody happen to know the ticket sales figures for Gigantour sofar. Jst sort of curious.
I have no clue what the sales were, but i would think that its good, cuz c'mon! its megadeth!
I was at the show.. There wasnt many people up in the seats, but
the floor was pretty full. After Opeth's set Mike was walking around
the floor hanging out with the crowd, and no one was talking to him, this fucking sucked because I was up on the seats looking down. It was torture. I mean there the fuck he is, i had a camera and everything. Oh well.

SET list was the same as the Boise.
Tickets were like $54. I was there last night. The setlist was the same as the Idaho one. Mike called himself a pussy.
I was in the photo pit for the whole set and up there and in the front of the crowd, it was so quiet that I could talk to my friends on the other side of the barricade and HARDLY had to raise my voice at all. We kept asking it to be louder. So I think it depends where you were located. The mix of the sound was fine, though. Mikael was being funny as hell with his usual banter. Especially when someone yelled that they play pussy music - that's what inspired the pussy talk. LOL

As far as the attendance goes... They only released 4,000 tickets and were always going to have the top section of seats closed as well as the ones behind the 2nd stage. They sold all 4,000 by the way. So if you included band and crew and people, probably 4,500 or 4,600 people total were there.

It was GREAT to see a bunch of the forum people in the front and talking to them all. I also very much appreciate the kind comments about my site! I hope some of them will check in here to say hi again.

Now, I am leaving for Dragonforce in about 15 minutes, so if anyone has an itch to see them tonight along with All That Remains and Horse The Band, they are playing at the Warfield and tickets are $20. Come find me in the front again, dammit!
That was my first Opeth show. Godly it was. Even more so since I did not look at the setlist and did not expect WindowPayne or Godheads Lament :kickass: :kickass: At first when he said "We are going to play a song that we rarely play...this is from Still Life..." I thought he was going to say "The Moor". Godheads Lament is fucking sick I tell ya.

My nub friends bought seat tickets. So I was stuck in the seats, and NO ONE in my section was standing up for Opeth. The crowed sucked. They all came to life when LoG came on though. I was the only one that was like :worship: :worship:. Great sound and best 55 minutes of my life.
i was there. The FOH mix for every band sucked giant donkey balls. Into eternity barely got to play, and The second stage was fucking Hesher central. They should have dropped the second stage, let all the main stage bands play longer, except megadeth and LOG who got ample set times.

I got the impression that more people were their for LOG than megadeth.
Got back from the San Diego gig tonight. Opeth played, and I'm dead serious, a grand total of 25 minutes. Ghost of Perdition, Windowpane, this song will unfortunately be our last because we've been playing a lot, The Leper Affinity.

They kicked ass, but because of this they gave Lamb of God, which in my personal opinion (remember, personal) is the most BORING band I've ever heard, a ton of extra time. I mean, Opeth played 3 songs! Dude! What!? I don't know. Megadeth was awesome, Dave was pretty nice, but Opeth just played a 25 minute set.

I don't profess to be an expert on headline tours, but that's got to be the shortest set I've ever seen a co-headlining band play. Is this regular? Should I stop feeling cheated?

Opeth, in all that is musical and beautiful, you owe it to San Diego to come back soon.
I was at the San Diego show as well. Opeth played awesome as always, but still... 3 songs. That was fucking bullshit. I came to the show 2 hours early and stood in the very front with sweaty fat dudes pushing into me, and only got to see 3 opeth songs before the skinheads came out for lamb of gods set...:erk: . I'm not blaming Opeth or anything, but it still sucked... no into eternity either.
Weakness said:
I was at the show.. There wasnt many people up in the seats, but
the floor was pretty full. After Opeth's set Mike was walking around
the floor hanging out with the crowd, and no one was talking to him, this fucking sucked because I was up on the seats looking down. It was torture. I mean there the fuck he is, i had a camera and everything. Oh well.

SET list was the same as the Boise.

that's what you get by sitting.
Question, how can a band that is so gifted musically with a frontman that goes from extreme metal to progressive rock and smiles at the transition, be too tired to play more than three songs? Opeth, you are CLEARLY the best band in the Gigantour lineup, and we deserve an explanation. After all, we had to endure a lot of mediocre crap, before and after your set, to be in your presence last night in San Diego. How can you justify playing a 25 minute set? Was it a problem behind the scenes? You got turned off by that asshole who threw the waterbottle (or what was that)? I can't accept that a professional band as enlightened as you could stoop to the level of being too tired or disgruntled to play. In many ways, I've thought of you guys as the Death Metal version of Grateful Dead, due to the love and devotion your fans give and the PURE MUSICIANSHIP you guys display. Hearing you live should leave us feeling your greatness, not ripped off by a short set.