For those of you who don't know

Izzy Junior

Aug 27, 2002
Superjoint Ritual's (That's yet another band of Pantera frontman Phil Anselmo) first live DVD will be released on September 24th. I was at their DC show and if the Dallas show was half as good as the one I went to, this thing will be amazing to say the least.

And to those of you who've never heard any SJR, check 'em out. Very, very heavy band, probably more brutal than Pantera!
I have to say, I don't really think an Opeth message board is an appropriate place for a Superjoint Ritual post. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I happen to think they suck and I have a feeling that most people around here would agree with me, they're pretty lame, boring pot smoker music.
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
They are not lame! They slay you!! I will have this DVD to add to my Pantera, Down and SJR collection. Phils my main man! :headbang:

Thank you.

I posted this assuming not everyone who listens to Opeth ONLY listens to such complex music. I figure we're all fans of heavy music here, and I'm SURE there are at least a dozen Pantera fans here. If they like Pantera they'd like SJR. Jeez, don't like it don't reply, just informing the people who ARE interested.
Originally posted by Izzy Junior
Thank you.

I posted this assuming not everyone who listens to Opeth ONLY listens to such complex music. I figure we're all fans of heavy music here, and I'm SURE there are at least a dozen Pantera fans here. If they like Pantera they'd like SJR. Jeez, don't like it don't reply, just informing the people who ARE interested.

and he's simply putting in his two cents.

for the record, i'm not a pantera fan or phil anselmo fan. buncha hick drunks, in my opinion. but i'm sure there are plenty of current or formers listeners here.
....probably more brutal than Pantrea....

We're so BRUTAL!!

Theres a site out there, I forget the address, dedicated to their glam days, it is kinda funny, at least they changed for the better when they made their big change, unlike another band I know...

Actually there are lots of bands that changed for the worse, heh. In Flames, Metallica, and I'm afraid Dream Theater might be heading in that direction.
Originally posted by Izzy Junior
Theres a site out there, I forget the address, dedicated to their glam days, it is kinda funny, at least they changed for the better when they made their big change, unlike another band I know...

Actually there are lots of bands that changed for the worse, heh. In Flames, Metallica, and I'm afraid Dream Theater might be heading in that direction.

Change?? they didnt change....they did a complete 180...and secured there spot in the poser hall of fame. Pantera was just following trends, and were never really original. It's ridiculous when people claim that they are the "best METAL band ever"... I even read an article one time where Phils ego hit the roof. He was speaking of metal, and refered to it as "the genre he helped create".....yeah, right.....and i really did eat Gandhi.
You know, Phil's been into metal before Pantera released CFH. Some of these SJR songs were written in the late 80's, thanks.

Pantera wasn't following trends, otherwise Cowboys From Hell would be a grunge album. If not CFH, then Vulgar Display of Power.

ANYWAY, this thread is not about Pantera or any grudge you people might hold against them. This is for the people who are interested in this kind of music, or any SJR fans that might be on this board.
Jesus, maybe I SHOULDN'T have posted this here. I'm assuming if I hadn't mentioned Phil or Pantera none of you would know who this band is and wouldn't be acting like jackasses? Damn, there are more open minded people at Metallica message boards, I'm beginning to regret registering here.
Yeah, and I said I post on a Metallica message board where, exactly? Just using that as a comparison, as you might notice if you read a bit closer.

I wouldn't have thought it, but it seems many Opeth fans are jackasses. If the band doesn't have any songs over 10 minutes long, they're not worth wasting your time, huh?
Originally posted by Izzy Junior
Yeah, and I said I post on a Metallica message board where, exactly? Just using that as a comparison, as you might notice if you read a bit closer.

I wouldn't have thought it, but it seems many Opeth fans are jackasses. If the band doesn't have any songs over 10 minutes long, they're not worth wasting your time, huh?

blah blah blah, don't be so histrionic.
Originally posted by Izzy Junior
Superjoint Ritual's (That's yet another band of Pantera frontman Phil Anselmo) first live DVD will be released on September 24th. I was at their DC show and if the Dallas show was half as good as the one I went to, this thing will be amazing to say the least.

And to those of you who've never heard any SJR, check 'em out. Very, very heavy band, probably more brutal than Pantera!

i would say that they are heavier. I'm fuckin phil mad! Pantera being my alltime fave band...but sjr fuckin rule! I really wanna get the DVD but i like dont have a DVD player! I think i shall have to purchase one...