Phil is DONE w/ Pantera


Sep 21, 2002
So Cal
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Vocalist Phil Anselmo says that he is done with PANTERA and he intends to focus all his time and energy on SUPERJOINT RITUAL. "There was a lot of business with Warner Bros. and this and that DOWN and PANTERA and this and that, and etc. etc." Anselmo was quoted as saying by "Whatever. Pretty much what I'm doing here is I'm sticking with SUPERJOINT, and I'm not doing fuckin' anything else. This is where I'm most comfortable and this it the type of music that I wanna do, you know?"
Anselmo says that he is proud of what PANTERA achieved and is also proud that they pulled the plug rather than faded away. "If you think about it, PANTERA never went away until we personally said, 'Fuck it'."
Asked if he sees patching up differences and rejoining DOWN or PANTERA, Anselmo said, "Never say never... [but] not right now."
SUPERJOINT RITUAL's sophomore album, "A Lethal Dose Of American Hatred", is due on July 22 through Sanctuary Records.
i definitely remember hearing a rumor of this story at least 6 months ago if not more.
i think pantera were probably either gonna have to do a metallica :)D) or quit whilst they were ahead, because to be honest they weren't getting anywhere much - musically anyway... in the same way, i think slayer have just basically done the same thing for 20 years
although i love some of their stuff - its probably a good idea this has happened!
sorry that was slightly mixed up then - i was just reffering to slayer as an example - they have used the same material in slightly different formats on almost all their albums - especially that fucking solo! lol
Yeah, Slayer hasn't done anything original since Seasons. And hell, up until Heaven they were repeating themselves a lot too.

Shame about Pantera, but Phil's vocals are really not worth shit anymore. Remember the days of "Cemetery Gates" and "The Sleep"? Damn, those were great songs...but the era is over. Go shoot up some more heroin and start another eight side projects, least we'll still have Cowboys and Vulgar.
Imagikafan said:
Phil was the weak link in that band anyway. I'm really looking forward to hearing the new material from New Found Power, which is Vinnie and Dimebag's new band with Pat Lachman on vocals.


This pertains to the next question I was gonna ask... "Who exactly is Dimebag jamming with now???"

Interesting... a guitar player turned singer!
They had a very good , nice long run w/ Pantera. Definately time for a change for all of them. Last time I saw them it was kind of boring. I mean, how many times can you hear New Level/Walk back to back every single show for years. Phil's voice IS shot. But come on , singing like that for that many years is gonna kill your throat.
its not a end is just an stand by!!!!!!!!!!! i think they run out of ideas, i think will be cool a new band called jaguar with the guys in patera but with ripper owens on vocals, then halford must return to priest hell yeah!!!!!!!!!
Who fuckin' cares? pantera suck...always have...always will

Yeah, Slayer hasn't done anything original since Seasons. And hell, up until Heaven they were repeating themselves a lot too.

Youre so far off on this one it isnt even funny! Hell Awaits, Reign in Blood and South of Heaven were 3 COMPLETELY different albums and if you cant tell, then you need to go back and relisten to them all.

I dont understand the fascination everyone has with Seasons, I think its weak and boring as all shit, aside from War, Spirit, Hallowed and Born. Most of THAT record sounds the same (blood red, skeletons, expendable) I thought it sucked when it came out and still think Divine blows it away and that there are just as many killer songs on DIM as SITA.
Although aside from 4 or 5 DIM tracks (Bitter, Perversions, Scrum, Screaming and Point) the rest is pure SHIT! Anyway, just my factual opinion hahahaa!
Ah, I don't really care. Pantera's first two ( Major label I should say , heh) were great, but after that they just started to become dull and repetitive. Of the 3 latest ones, Trendkill was the only I liked more than average. Maybe they'll be back, but who knows.

Dimebag Darrell and drummer Vinnie Paul have teamed up with ex-Halford guitarist Patrick Lachman, who will be doing vocals, and ex-Jerry Cantrell guitarist Shawn Matthews on bass in a brand new band called New Found Power.
The band is currently writing and will begin recording later this year.

Dimebag Darrell commented, "It's really weird, but this is the clear-headed, honest truth: Pantera/Down vocalist Phil Anselmo and bassist Rex Brown up and left us hangin' and won't let us know their intentions or future plans. For the last 20 years, my brother Vinnie and I have put our heart and soul into Pantera and we never thought this situation would ever happen to us. By now I thought for sure we would've done another record, but they don't seem to care how it affects Vinnie and I, or the road crew or, most of all, all the Pantera fans that have been so fuckin' awesomely great to us for so long. We've made several attempts to talk to those guys and they keep putting us off. This is not a situation we've created — it's a situation we've been forced into.
"Bottom line, for Vinnie and me it's all about the music, kickin' ass and havin' a good time. So we've got together with some of our close buds and formed a new band called New Found Power. The record is almost done and will be out soon. We've put 110 percent into it, just like we always do, so I guarantee you won't be let down."
New Found Power is expected to release their debut CD later this year.
Feh. Everything up until Reign was just desperately trying to achieve what they achieved on Reign - complete high-speed monotony. It's fun motonony, but there's really not much to differentiate the songs. Yes, I know the riffs are different, but there's gotta be some melody or something to break the shredding.

South of Heaven and Seasons are great; I vastly prefer them to anything else because they add new elements that don't suck. But after that? Pure shite. They got stuck in a huge rut trying to recreate past glories...I'd rather see them branch out like Metallica or Megadeth and take a gamble (and hopefully be more musically successful than those two bands) than just try to release another Reign.

Ah well, I've always got Testament and Overkill.
i think Pantera had a nice long run, they have held out more than alot of bands have... and like he said, they didnt fade out like alot of bands often do... they pulled the plug and walked away in a certain sense...either way...

Hats Off To PanterA!
EVERY SLAYER (ex that stupid punk cover cd) KICKS ASS! Even God Hates Us All has awesome back to the roots sound...aside from a couple of nu-metalish sounding tunes...which IMO nu-metal isn't a pimple on Slayers ass! They just do it better!!

As for Phil...I wouldn't care if he fell off the face of the earth...he's a complete ass! IMO...(again)
I think Pantera went steadily downhill after their first coupla releases...

I think Slayer has a couple pretty cool cds, for sure... the rest is uninspired garbage; all their iffs and solos start to sound alike... and now they're getting steadily trendier as well. If I want to listen to great, fast, aggressive music, I'll listen to Children of Bodom...
i agree that pantera basically had their run and it's more or less over since three or so cds.

as for slayer being repetitive and monotone i mean it's completely true, but i mean that's what you should expect, if you want something different don't buy a slayer record.

and ehhm sorry i mean thrash is basically always the same and for me that's what i like about it, it's fun music bang your head and slam your partner against the wall that's for me what it's about, the feeling when you have to move and can't keep sitting.
Some of you people SERIOUSLY need to go back and REALLY listen to Show No Mercy, Hell Awaits, Reign in Blood and South of Heaven again, because they are all VERY uniqure from one another.
Maybe its because I bought each record as they came out and know them by heart. Anyway....whatever
From Seasons on they have just been repeating themselves.
I find it humorous that so many people find Seasons so wonderful when it was the first album that started rehashing and sounding like the same old same old