howdy fellers :)


New Metal Member
Jun 3, 2008
I remember this site from way back when. I had an account here before known as Zoracxis... didn't post as much on that one, tried to access it recently but I guess because I haven't accessed it in so long it has been deleted or I just forgot the password, I dunno... it's been so long anyways so I thought I would start anew and discover some more metal along the way.

Anyways, I have been into metal for about 8 years now and lately I have been in the doldrums with finding new metal bands or discovering past releases that I have yet to hear. Maybe rejoining this community could help me discover those gems I have yet to hear :)

Hope to see all of you on the forums and whatnot,


P.S. I know much has changed since I last joined but hopefully it will be like riding a bicycle. :headbang: