Hows this for a drumsound?

I didn't feel it was worthy making a thread about the same song i made a thread about ollready hehehe, so here's a nother craptastic mix i did on this song (its the song i mix when i'm bored realy)
downtuning the kicksamples helped (kick seem to resied well around 62 hz..) and i all seems a bit wider i think.
yet still cymbals are prolly too loud and the guitars seem alittle thin.
Gimmy your opinion please!!
chuck1703 said:
Is that Greyline you recorded by any chance!?

it sure is, do you know them?:)

smy1 said:
None of the links works for me. I always get a "File Not Found on this server" thingie...

i checked, and it works for me right here... if you still want to check it out mail me at or something.

EDit: and damnit!! tell me how it sounds!!
just discovered there was a ampsim on the toms accidently hehehe..
It works now. I like the drumtone. Toms are sometimes played too softly on fills which makes it hard to differentiate the hits. Maybe you can work on getting the stick impact more upfront on those?

Hihat and Cymbals are way too loud for me.
So what type of processing did you do on that snare. Are you blending it with anything else. I does sound fancy.
only EQ and compression this time.
But i always seem to get the same POP! with around around 5/10 ms attack (its always around there somewhere) around 100/160 release, a ratio that feels right and a fair amount of compression!

Maybe i can get a screenshot up.
Next to that the snare was pretty nice.