How's this sound?

good job dude i think this production fits the song really good! cant say i like the drums...
Nice guitar tone. Reminds me of the nice grain in the midrange I used to get with my old 5150 recordings.
Thanks for the input guys. I used a low cut on the guitar at 100 hz but I think maybe I dialed the bass kind of low on my amp. Although I did find the overall mix to be missing just a tad of highs.

Still I'm happy enough that I don't think I need to go back in and change it.

This is a Mesa Boogie Dual Rec Roadster ps.
Is the drums superior 2.0? Kick sounds alot like it (don't like it), try replacing it with something else, there's lot of samples on this forum. I think you should focus more on the drums to get that huge feeling your talking about. I think the drums overall should be louder, except maybe the OH. Guitars sound very good imo, good song too!