Hows uni goin??

Blitzy, once I'm rich and financially secure and don't have to work I'll think about going to uni :) Until then I'll just whinge and complain about lost opportunities!
I had an exam Monday - it was gay. I ended up answering a lot of question in dot points, which is bad. :(

I've got an assignment due 9am tomorrow, which is fucking hard. :(

An exam Friday which should be easy, but I havn't done any work for the subject all year - so I could be screwed. :(

Another exam next thursday which will be fucking fucking hard. :( :(
And I have a cold and my car almost caught fire.. but everything else is good. :)
And I just noticed another mistake in my assignment. I just spent the past 2 hours at uni fixing my last mistake, so I don't think I can be bothered caring about this one :(
Spiff... going to uni isn't about choosing which path you wish to lead for the rest of your life... it's about bludging and not having any responsibilties and not wanting to go out and fend for yourself in the big bad world out there.... trust me... as someone who's been at uni for 6 1/2 years I know :)

And to answer the original question of Blitzy's... uni is fucked... hehe... my supervisor doesn't know what he's on about and I've got about 14 months to go until my money runs out and I severly doubt I'll be out of here by then.
Well at least you're gonna get some pretty neat wall decorations at the end of it all.