Hows uni goin??

I'm blitzing my 2 main subjects without even doing any work (ahhh arts) and just scraping through with my electives. Had an exam for one of the electives yesterday and did crap but should pass it, and have the exam for my other elective tomorrow. My contemporary arts subjects don't have exams because they are too cool :)
I have that "The world's state-of-the-art speed metal band" poster! It rules!!!!

I have 18 months left of my course, and been there for 18 months. Half way there! But I might go to the VCA and do a post-graduate course afterwards, not sure yet.
I learnt how to play Euchre and 500 (and a couple of other card games) pretty well at uni (i was supposed to be studying economics/accounting....still can't remember why i chose this subject.Anyway,needless to say my uni career didn't go very far(two attmepts at 1st year then goodbye!)
Originally posted by Ralphe
I learnt how to play Euchre and 500 (and a couple of other card games) pretty well at uni (i was supposed to be studying economics/accounting....still can't remember why i chose this subject.Anyway,needless to say my uni career didn't go very far(two attmepts at 1st year then goodbye!)

Sounds like my stint at Uni...I was learning drinking games with the art students and some of us nursing students spent more time at the pub than in lectures.
I've said it once and I'll say it again: Arts = Bludge

I have one exam left on Saturday, then I'm going off to drink at Overcranked and make an arse of myself!