how's writing coming along for the new album?

The album has been fininshed for a while bas(s)ically, the basic guitars has been recorded allready. Asgeir is working in the studio nowadays, I think he is about halfway there (haven't been there during his sessions....).
Lars is the next in line for recording, and after he's done, I'll get to work.
We're looking at the 3rd week in july as a possible week for the final mix.
I've nearly finished my vocal-line composing..working on the last track now....andI'll be off for the studio the 23/6

mr V
ms. anthrope said:
hope just great. looking forward to it :)!

asgeir, i need more photos of you... do you have any live shots? i still have to look at walter's stuff.

Done half of the album now and it's coming along fine (with a lot of psycho drumming...). I'll send a zillion pix next week!

- Asgeir
Will be there any studio diary as with the two previous albums? Would be cool... But if you would be so kind to send a plane ticket to me to check how hard you are working, that would be also accepted :)
Very Much Looking Forward To The New Album!! I Hope It's Along The Same Lines As Empericism, Just With The Vocals Standing Out A Bit More. I Felt The Vocals Were Overshadowed By The Music A Bit On Empericism.
Hey, Asgeir, heres a quick drum question...does your hi-hat get in the way when you use your 2 highest toms? Just looked like it would.....
Are you going to deal with the cover layout this time too, Asgeir? I really hope so, as Quintessence and Empiricism are the most slick looking records I own.
Thanks for replying so quickly! I've only got about 200 albums, but still, your designing really appeals to me :) The Empiricism front cover is especially interesting.. And of course the digipak edition of Quintessence *drools on floor*
asgeir said:
Usually no. Uh, some days I'm better at hitting BETWEEN all my toms than ON the toms... Click, click, click...

- Asgeir
I hope you're not kidding.....I do that sometimes too. heh heh...