Hubba's Closed - CO


Aug 29, 2002
In Space
Hubbas in Aurora, CO closed....

From the booking agent....

Good evening friends of Hubba's , As you may or may not know Hubba's
has been struggling really bad since the statewide smoking ban last
July. Hubba's is a family business bringing the best live
entertainment, drinks and atmosphere. As a struggling business we have
been forced to put our houses, cars and possessions on the line to keep
the doors open. Today at 11am the state of colorado came and locked the
doors at hubba's, they have seized the business along with all our
personal possessions inside. The effects of the closed business reaches
way beyond just another music venue falling by the wayside. Myself and
my family have lost the business we tried to build and the bank will
soon be coming for our houses and vehicles as well. We are asking all
of you to ban together to help us re-open our doors. Fund-raisers,
benifits and donations.. anything you can think of - we are begging for
your help. we have less than 2 weeks to raise $18,000 - please help.
NY has had a smoking ban for years. Honestly haven't noticed it affect any bars/venues closing because of it. They're still packed anytime I go. And there are ways to bypass the bans (at least in NY) because there's a whiskey & cigar bar out in Rochester.
California has had smoking laws forever now, businesses adjust, clubs just create a smoking area right outside for smokers to get their fix....
Good luck to these people though, I hope they bounce back! Sounds like a tough situation...
It seems sort of weird that everyone would stop going to their club if the ban was statewide, wouldn't it affect everyone? Regardless, these guys are in a real tough spot, I hope things work out for them.
Yeah - the smoking ban has hit the live clubs and bars here very hard. A lot of people think that everyone in Colorado must be a health nut because of the altitude or something. I smoke when I go to bars/live shows (keeps me from drinking as much or as fast) - my friends in bands have noticed the impact as well.
A group of bar owners were going to get together and perform "civil disobeience" by letting people smoke if they kick into a legal defense jar - eventually figuring taht the $2500 or so to prosecute/collect a $250 fine will get the taxpayers attention and they will tell the govt to lay off.
This really brings the story close to home because maybe now some people will realize that when you shut down an "evil" business - there are real people behind it. THese folks invested everything into this business and then had the rules changed on them after the fact. Does anyone care? The govt? Anti-smoking crowd? Nope - anybody gonna help them or their kids pay for things like food, gas, college? Not to mention the other staff who worked there.
HOw about all the folks who wanted smoking out of palces like nightculbs? Are they going to the clubs more often? Not that I can tell - crowds are much smaller than before. Why would someone go out and pay a cover, and pay more for a single beer thatn they could buy a 6 pack of that same beer for if they cannot exercise their right to smoke a legal product or not.
The choice should be left with the club/restaurant owner. Some clubs already were non-smoking before this went into effect. Same with restaurants. Outback went non smoking years ago. Some people quit going there and a bunch of others started going there. To change the rulses after the fact, remove a business owners'a bility to run the business the way they see fit, and totally devalue the business, thus fucking the owner if they try to sell (I dont see anyone rushing to buy any of the clubs here in town) is a bunch of crap. Guess I will be heading up to Denver to try and helps these poor folks out - although it wont do much, if any good. Even if they manage to stave off the wolves for a while, even if they manage to get a "patio area" for smokers, it is still going to be hard to coax people out to pay more money to have a good time.
If smoking is to be banned - then freaking ban it - make it illegal, quit taking the $3 a pack in taxes from the product to piss away on other stuff. Otherwise, governemtn and nosy, busybody pc tyupes need to stay the hell out of people's lives.

Rant over, I'm going to right my campaign platform, the press is gonna love digging into my past lol
If smoking is to be banned - then freaking ban it - make it illegal, quit taking the $3 a pack in taxes from the product to piss away on other stuff. Otherwise, governemtn and nosy, busybody pc tyupes need to stay the hell out of people's lives.

Honestly, as a nonsmoker, I have to say I hated going to bars before the ban. I avoided them at all costs. Nothing worse than having that smell in your clothes for several days afterwards even once they've been washed. Now I don't mind hanging out and catching a band (the reason you should be paying a cover). Is it really that hard to go outside for 2 minutes to smoke? When someone is smoking nearby me, I'm the one that should be forced out even though he's the one making the choice to smoke? Hell, I should make the choice never to wear clothes again. And then complain when I get arrested for streaking that they should stay out of people's lives and let me go anywhere I want w/o clothes on. When I was 3 it was an optional thing. Why should it be required now that I'm 25?
Honestly, as a nonsmoker, I have to say I hated going to bars before the ban. I avoided them at all costs. Nothing worse than having that smell in your clothes for several days afterwards even once they've been washed. Now I don't mind hanging out and catching a band (the reason you should be paying a cover).

I have to say I agree 100% with you. I live in North Carolina (cigarette-central), and I almost never go out to bars around here...largely *because* of the stench of cigarette smoke. I used to have really bad allergies (7 years of allergy shots paid off!), and going to bars meant I couldn't breathe worth a damn for the next 2-3 days.

I really feel bad for any businesses negatively impacted by the smoking ban, but I'm all for the ban itself. I agree with what someone else posted, though...I'm very confused as to how the ban hurts businesses if it's a *statewide* ban. It's not like the smokers can go to a different bar since *your* bar bans smoking. Are people really that hooked on cancer sticks that they refuse to go to a bar anymore because they can't smoke there? Seems weird to me....sort of like refusing to go to concerts if they don't sell/allow beer.

I hope every state institutes a smoking ban,'s unhealthy, stinks, is a drain on the health care system, waste of money, etc, etc. Unfortunately (for me), NC would probably be the *last* state to do it, though, being the source of many cigarettes.

Either way, best of luck to the owners....I hope you get things worked out.

Here is one way that it could hurt a business...

Of course people say that here in California it did not hurt us. In Colorado it is different. Reason. Weather. Smokers have to go outside, and if they have to go outside and smoke durring the winter times, they will freeze their butts off. Not many people I know would do that.

I personally am all for the smoking ban. But, it has to be statewide versus county wide like here in Minnesota.
On a side note:
I thought it was very interesting that at a certain concert I just attended at a major NYC venue, there was a whole area with people smoking weed and no one did anything about that. Interesting......
On a side note:
I thought it was very interesting that at a certain concert I just attended at a major NYC venue, there was a whole area with people smoking weed and no one did anything about that. Interesting......

That just happened at a certain Minneapolis venue where I attended a concert the other night... they need to get their shit straight on keeping out illegal substances before banning legal ones... can people contact them to help out? I sent the news to a buddy of mine who's band just played there last month and he says...
"I know several bands that would do a benefit to raise cash but can't get in touch with anyone. Is there a contact number or e-mail for Howard? I sent one to the club and the phone mailbox is full so ????
Howard is asking for help but left no contact info?"

I am a non-smoker. I have been around smokers all my life. I have smoked a grand total of 11 cigarettes in 41 years. I think any smoking ban is "mommy-state" at its worst.

However, the real reason behind the bans is the person in the mirror. Why? The problem is everyone wants someone else to pay for their health coverage. As the cost of the coverage goes up, employers and the State has to look at ways for you not to use it. So, when they see a study that says "smokers are three times more likely to book off sick", TPTB take notice. So, when they see the use of health insurance goes down, the premiums paid are manageable. However, when costs skyrocket (And, yes, I know lawsuits and inane procedures are a cause for this as well), TPTB, whether it be in the private sector or the public one, are going to try to find the least politically painful way to try to keep costs down. Guess what, smokers do not have millions to challenge TPTB.

I feel for the people at Hubba's. Unfortunately, the fault lies in the man in the mirror.

Ray C.
Yeah, I'll just blame my never-smoked-a-cigarette-ever self for all of it. :confused:

As a nonsmoker, I think it should be the venue's choice whether to allow or not allow smoking.

The government's role, then, would be to standardise the public notification of that choice, by mandating standard symbols ('no smoking,' 'smoking allowed,' 'separate smoking area available') to be posted outside the venue entrance, in all their advertisements, etc.

Then I could exercise my free will and choose not to patronize establishments that don't separate smokers from non-smokers.
Pellaz nailed it - i may havbe been pised of when posting at losing another live music venue - but the main point is is should be up to the business owner and the free market to determine what a club does. Some people will not go to a club where there is smoking, some wont go where they cant. Either way, if the government is going to continue taxing the hell out of it to pay for other things, and it isnt illegal, then it should be up to the market to decide. Everytime govt gets involved in business they FCUK it all up.

If they decide to ban cigarettes all together - fine. I'm sure i can find another way to space out my drinks so I dont run the risk of being buzzed at the end of the night when I have to drive - pretzels would be healtier - but prolly make me thirstier :)

I'm not sure about Colorado, but Ohio had a vote to ban smoking in public places and was easily passed. So for at least Ohio, the government did not decide to implement the ban, it was the citizens of the state.
Of course. There are more nonsmokers than smokers nowadays, so such a measure would pass easily in most areas.
Yup. And regardless of how it was done the bottom line is the same: The state dictated how someone can run their establishment in regards to a legal practice.
I'm not sure about Colorado, but Ohio had a vote to ban smoking in public places and was easily passed. So for at least Ohio, the government did not decide to implement the ban, it was the citizens of the state.

I spent St. Patrick’s Day in Cleveland this year. The wind chill was around zero while I was there -- and yet the smoking ban didn’t appear to put a damper on any of the festivities at the local bars and restaurants!

Hopefully, the owners of Hubba’s can work something out with the bank. Most *reputable* lenders would rather work out a plan for getting the loan payments back on track, rather than take someone’s home or vehicle.